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Page : 461
Janita loaf biscuits
Within three malumiņu morning;
Nine could not
Heavy loaf move.
dose, dose Janice,
What I was promised:
Kiln bread, beer barrel,
Fed piggy.
Jānīts came from the hill,
Great burden on him:
Boys cheese, beer, boys,
Matt plācenīti ash.
midsummer, John, St. John, John,
Either way your day came,
Siesim palagosi cheese,
Let us keep John\'s day.
Oh, Jānīti, Little Peter,
Having come one place?
Not tied to one cheese,
The other beers made.
Jānīts came Jānīts came
As we mielosim John?
Tec, cat, mouse, barking,
Buckets own pussy \'.
Jānīts came Jānīts came
What we mielosim John?
Kill the bog cranberry,
River green pickerel.
By Janita came anniversary
Their children to see it;
Hay cheese, doing beer
Where Janita time to delight.
years old Jānīts Came
As we mielosim John?
Heat milk, baking cakes,
So we mielosim John.
great day came to St. John\'s,
My little PUD,
Small amounts of the same
Is received, spent.
I am going to \'please men do,
Piepļauj green clover,
By John eat horses,
Tecēdami a long way.
dieniņa tomorrow dieniņa,
Midsummer Day after tomorrow itself.
Then John sanāksi children
Edge of the rim.
thus coming Midsummer Day,
You a lot of waiting:
This dieniņa tomorrow dieniņa,
Midsummer Day after tomorrow itself.
Ligotaji, Ligotaji,
It is no longer far Midsummer Day:
This dieniņa tomorrow dieniņa,
The day after Midsummer\'s Day itself.
John Day Saints
Behind all dieniņām:
John\'s day the Son of God
Sun\'s daughter greete

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