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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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Flash cards

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Donated equipment to children hospitals

History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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someone telling you the truth, when an unknown reason, you start to smile and they think that I\'m lying. . .
The only useful thing in mathematics is that it teaches us the understanding that every problem has a solution.
nocels my man, my best comeback will Enabling it done. In real man can not take off if he does not want it.
They say that the word hate is of great importance, but they are lying with the word LOVE it, like it would amount to nothing.
Who would have thought that we are ever so much will want to get away from those people at the company ever so much aspire to.
Not all of those who are looking up the haughty. Maybe they just want to see the stars instead of mud underfoot.
It is not enough that you accept me for who I am. You should be able to accept what I am.
Love, the same as cat scratches and blood, even if you wanted to just play with it.
better to have the reach to high hill, over a puddle, which all through Brien.
How do you know that she loves you? - I often hurt her, but she continues to hold my hand.
not when love is a jealous man, but when want to be loved.
Friends are those rare people who ask how we\'re doing, and then also expect answers to our end.
who do not know who had come to defend fortunately, is not entitled to complain about the disappearance.
Difficult is the first meeting in the absence of what to say, and the last, when all is said.
It may take only a few seconds to hurt someone you love, but it can take many years to heal this pain.

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