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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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Poems for your greeting cards


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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 444
snake will always remember that she ascended to the tail. .
toughest stage of relationship when you feel - you can not without him. . but, to be with him and you can not.
you see. ?,-What do I see?!, Well-It!,-Well, It. ?! - Well it that I love you
man gives love. but the woman herself is in love.
remains misunderstood, left unsaid, What unites us, that both of us apart.
We are living in a society where pizza are delivered faster than Come Quick Help.
Do not ignore someone who You are important, because one day you can understand. . . that you have lost a diamond, while stocks in stones. . .
Love what is worth loving, forget what is worth remembering.
not to say to someone that you love and then change their mind. . . Love is not just to choose a movie to watch.
If you need to write a girl write her term paper.
When the boring tool of choice for fun, is to start a fall on the nerves!
, but remember, once was a man who for your sake was willing to do anything, but you appreciate it.
real man is opening the door to the foot, because your hands are full with sweets and flowers.
work I do not need, I need money!
Usually it is silent, which is to say. .

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Page : 444
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