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Page : 440
God created woman so that she would be loved.
crown I do not have my head.
Before people dig in chains, snooze with promises
When the society, all the waiting that I zviegšu, grauzīšu crowbars, kladzināšu horseshoes viecināšu tail. Believe it - it is not easy.
AIDS is a typical example of the same man hit the ball into the net.
I first press Frankl himself a feminist.
One woman said to me:
-I watched your shows and think, \"What is a feminist?\" Now I have understood: they are women who want too much.
other extremes, my acquaintance of St. Petersburg presented the young girl:
- Still in the university. When it will conclude, would become a professional feminist as Mary Arbatova.
He asked her:
- How to understand?
- It means - do nothing and say that all men are rams.
Feminism frightening because the person most afraid of freedom and do not know what to do much about it.
someone has said, feminism means not tell the men that women are the same as they are, but tell that they are the same as men.
, white clover,
Running to the road edge,
Go past John\'s children,
They have you izplūkās.
Oh, tell me, John\'s mother,
What was John Hall?
- Knapweed, repējumi,
Buldurītes to starpēm.
Aboltins, debestiņš
New daughter Midsummer medicine;
Suņuburkšķi, pupurlakši
Young guys Midsummer medicine.
Dievkociņi, tansy
New daughter of John medicines;
Issuer guys, guys maple,
Boys green columbine.
Ieiedama room
Ābuliņu floors warp,
For this plant bloomed for
By Janice others.

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