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Page : 438
I came to St. John\'s Day
Nizināma, nigaidāma;
Ni I had cheese strainers,
Ni apron bleached.
I came to John Day
Unknown, negaidāma,
I had no roses in the back,
Not yet wilt chaplets,
Well even went to plant the roses,
Toms alone wreath.
Aizsamirsa, aizsamirsa,
John Day not a suspect!
Siesim cheese sheets,
Let us keep John\'s day.
Aizsamirsa, aizsamirsa,
John Day nelīgota!
Siesim scent of cheese,
Līgosim Pēterdienu.
A beautiful person can make you beautiful!
If someone you love, always seems to help him change. This is a typical female illusion. Love is not therapy!
actor is similar to the development of retarded children
Life is worth it to live, it is not worth it for free on their harangue ceaselessly
astrologer said that the infant will become valdienku and kill his mother. Agripina said:
To kill the hair, so that there is!
Become the emperor Nero really ordered the killing of his mother. Her last words:
Uzšķērdiet cough iznesājis Nero!
She wanted her son to provide the highest ruler of a chair, but could not tolerate his rule!
Distrust can forgive wrong - no!
Well-bred man over another does not do inadvertently. He bullies only intentionally
specifically waiting for compliments!
scared to admit it, but sees only what they want to see and hear only what they want to hear! In human nature rakturīgajā properties accords Ninety percent of the worst gossip, the false reputation, carefully storing rumors. The fact that I do not agree, ask to remember what he had to hear for himself.
My generation of people in grief there is no risk returns, we do not return!
In fact, no one knows what the era of living. And also, we did not know at the beginning of the century that we live in the first war and on the eve of the October Revolution

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Page : 438
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