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Page : 437
Pušķojies, brāleliņi,
The oak leaves,
Who hate living in
The neighbor girl.
shui my shoes, kurpenieks,
Gilded leaves,
To night I John
Village boys tease.
Skotelītes whitening,
Midsummer waiting;
When John came day
How gulbītis plevināju.
dieniņas wanted
John\'s night waiting;
When John came overnight,
Wearing a white T-shirts.
shepherds Waiting, waiting for cows
John Day\'s coming;
Gani waiting for cheese, milk,
Cows birch wreath.
Līgotāji, līgojati,
There is no longer far John Day:
This dieniņa, rītdieniņa,
John the same day after tomorrow.
subsidiary waiting for John\'s day,
Guys did not expect the most.
Where to smoke, shoot needles,
John waited to date.
thus coming Come on, John Day,
You have a boy waiting:
Cows waiting for a green crown,
Daughters beautiful rock.
throughout the year, John, look forward to
I could not wait;
Well, I for him
In the midsummer evening.
Rise, brother,
Rams feet
Let\'s go Jānīti
Jani ielīgoja?
Our own villagers;
The first shepherds of subsistence farmers,
Visupēci new subsidiary.
terminate the scale pūšat Guna,
John, you place a room!
Jānīts behind the door
Kumeliņu sweaty.
John spent the morning
By NN manor,
By itself Rīdziņa.
Back, John Day,
Having not known for coming!
Neither the mother sēj
I came to John Day
Unknown, negaidāma,
I was not cheese strainers,
Not wreaths made.

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