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Page : 436
novi Wreath
Of all the flowers;
I placed a wreath
In the midsummer night
Jānīts manim hand delivered
In the midsummer evening.
Both knew the fence,
Which had a lot of new guys (daughter):
A large house, small house,
Vis\' bouquets with tip.
wept crying grinder
John nepuškotas morning;
What did snaudulīte,
John\'s morning herding?
Midsummer mother izpušķoja
The apsēm a room.
Are you missing birch, maple
Do kuplaja Ozolina?
many flowers,
I then twisted wreath,
Other flower garden,
Other garden wall.
a new subsidiary to be waiting for?
Puškojati barn roof;
It adores you bouquet
With a slender brūtgāniem.
What do they do to our guys
Nepļāvuši Dāboliņš?
By John eat horses,
A long way tecējuši?
, Janita, Meiji curls
When meijāji lievenītes?
God\'s son rājumā
Clean-limbed oak.
Medicines evening
New subsidiary crowns pin
Christmas night,
Then there puts them in the head.
Medicines day bath whose
The oak sprigs,
To flapping these folks,
Who had the bone\'s Skin.

Vija John\'s Eve
Garden flower vainaciņu
Of roses, poppies,
Waxes kleņģerēm.
Janice belt oats
Yanitsa my sheep graze
Small Kabile novadiņš,
But Razans kept:
Dog a golden crown,
Kake copper wreath.
Arre girl, your beautiful adornment
John Jagoda night;
Izgodējse John\'s night,
Put shaking your ass.
Gano went,
Each year\'s Skin;
Well, John came one evening,
All five back.

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