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Page : 435
Thoughts every day for the last, which doomed you, and you will be loving every minute, to which you have not hoped for.
Looking at the globe, or rather, to the ball, is bothering me the idea that God has betrayed an evil creature\'s power.
Do not call himself a philosopher, and being among the common people, do not talk much about the philosophy of education, - acted in accordance with these teachings.
Hey, Janita, Little Peter,
How Come one place!
When I had the cheese tie,
When John to invite children?
Oh, Jānīti, Little Peter,
Having come one place!
Not tied to any cheese,
The other beers made.
Oh, Jānīti, dwarf,
What it is your wife doing?
Heat milk, cheese, sowing,
By tekādama house.
Dar \'Balina, barley beer,
Give Jan a drink;
This year\'s barley growing high in fat,
Rugao beer froth.
midsummer morning
Māva Alava,
Who Cheese media
St. John\'s dinner.
dose, dose Janice,
What I was promised:
Kiln bread, beer barrels,
Fed piglets.
I tied a large cheese
Midsummer waiting;
Midsummer day was distributed
By small pieces.
John\'s mother, wall me a cheese
Sējējiņu called you;
My mother nevīžoja
Not akmiņa lift.
cheese sowing
Deviņiemi corners;
This corner, the corner
I myself viducītis.
Janice beer do
Faces of the remains;
Darius\' beer Mikel
The new MIEZĪŠI.
I tell you, young boys,
Puškojieti barn roof
Then I adore you bouquet
Barley, with rye.
I nopinu Wreath
All kinds of leaves,
Ziedēj \'my wreath
All kinds of flowers.

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