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Page : 432
daily practice does not need a theory finesses. Therefore, the crowd stays at your mistakes and yet very well to cope with life in Busan.
nothing stupid about make sense out of place, so nothing is negudrāks the perverse wisdom. In the cart before the horse but every act that does not adapt to present circumstances, neither wants to take the time and place, nor the feast to remember the law - either drink or aizvācies - but requires the comedy would not be a comedy.
one that I seem to have plenty of tools and a few ideas, there are many other ideas and tools are not at all. Truth interest requires that those who think, finally please the join those who are working.
human work and the aim is filled according to the practical wisdom of nature and morality, because morality gives the correct target, but in practical wisdom, chosen the right tools.
work helps us to protect against the three great evils: the boredom, vice and poverty.
man, natural man and nature interpreter, and can be understood only in so far as he is thinking or practices of the nature saskatījis prevailing order. He knows more and can not perform.
Without blindness to take, without bitterness, to give
The human mind is so eager to crane fabrication that this has been built a tower, and then removing it again to see how well it lays the foundations.
no tools will not make any of the masters.
I like action milētiešu maid: she saw that her master, the philosopher Thales, is constantly employed by debesjuma watching and so are always walking around with a bottom-up view, she put it towards an object so that they stumble, so that the maid stated that he will still have enough time to study what is in the clouds, when he will be looking at it, which is located under your feet.
It is easier to ignore than to give, is harder to take than to give up their foreign.
carefully studying human life and contumely on their thoughts of wealth and social merits of emptiness and impermanence, we may just try to excuse their natural inert, who despised the world and bustle of daily routines, doing, looking for some excuse to be able to blossom in full bloom and unlimited.
a true connoisseur of things is only the end user.
Two main obstacles standing in the way of what needs right thing to do:
Shame that confuses the mind, and the fear that, in case of danger, the reservation resort to the safe behavior. But stupidity is very good at. Only a few mortals understand how much benefit occurs if you never ashamed, and all the encouragement.
painstaking circumspect prudence is the mortal enemy dižiem measures.

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