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Although a bit disappointing
that year is up again,
You are still smiling -
The new is coming.
To a lot of happiness,
For sorrows past,
We are pleased to start the year in the heart
new year to shine brighter stars,
North winds and blizzards rimst.
In the new year to more happiness,
Good thoughts and deeds to sparkle.
this festive time, we wish to find joy and peace, to review the progress made, the resulting estimate, but neskumt for the lost.

For the New Year you at success in implementing new ideas, and no shortage of energy to complete the unfinished
Lot of Bright Ideas for Christmas and creative work in the New Year!
May Happiness Brighten Your Days. . .
Prosperity greeti You in Your ways. . .
Success May Be With You
That in everything you do!

Wishing You a Merry Christmas
And a very happy and prosperous New Year!
When the white silence can be heard,
What do the candles say fir twig
To dream wings picks up thoughts
And the heart enters Svētvakars.
is not possible to think of anything so strange and incredible that had not already been said a philosopher.
start was successful, it outweighs the nonsense that comes after it, but, fortunately, has come too late.
Nature seems to have indicated that the most appropriate people are dausdzpusīgs sex life, it secretly warn people neaizrauties with any occupation or type of entertainment so much strength that it would force another dive. Satisfy your thirst for knowledge, say so, but let your science is a human and one that directly relates to their working life and society. Dziļdziļas thoughts and comprehensive research, I forbid cruel and punish you with a gloomy melancholy, they will, with infinite uncertainty in which they pull you in and the cold indifference which your alleged discoveries are met when you paudīsi the mankind. Be a philosopher, but the philosophy of devotion, still abide Man
Neieaijāsim yourself with beautiful words: a natural more accurate to call it, which is the most common, ordinary and generic.
plan creation is often conceited and boastful mental activity, by acquiring the creative genius of appearance, asking the others what they themselves can not do, Nopel what more can be done, and suggesting that by themselves did not make it out, where it lies.
Dare to be wise, start, he who hesitates to a reasonable arrangement of his life, is like the farmer who, wanting to be on the other side, waiting to aiztecēs all waters of the river, but it viļņodamās flowing and will flow forever.
yesterday was still religion today is no longer one, and that atheism is today, tomorrow will become a religion. It changes the world.
world is change. Life - Understanding.
not enough to be the whole mind-owner, the most important thing is to put it right.

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Page : 431
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