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Page : 430
filled New Year\'s hopes and dreams
white angel\'s tears
Snow is falling across the world
Melts the soul of our years saltums
And the heart takes pleasure.
White, clean, prosperous Christmas, love and abundant New Year!
For The New Year brings you happiness,
From the heart we wish.
To smile and joy take days,
For grief is not any.
The light emitted by a candle,
This brightness of flame flies,
Fades, and disappears gaist.
But the light that people live,
And heat emitted from the heart,
It is lost. It helps. And sparkle.
every single moment of his year of happiness -
As every morning a bright side.
But every year has its own svētvakars,
Its own threshold White, who left behind grief:
Blizzard at the window so clean towel cards,
Spruce and white snow full Vedic.
manages to fill next year plans to lose acquired and find for
Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year!

For the New Year brings you much
positive emotions and good changes.
We wish you and your families health, happiness and prosperity!
Christmas Eve when the dark outside the window,
A glimmer of stars begins as diamond buttons
The moon shines gold, silver will shine,
It is rich in every one, unless the heart is home pleasure.
\'\' Christmas Day is a day of joy and charity.
May God make you very rich in Both!\'\'
The day before Christmas
leads us toward a white silence,
followed by something sweet,
long forgotten and lost,
we again find. . .
white snow that gives you the morning,
White flakes falling to the hands!
For in this world today and tomorrow,
White as white thinking is falling!
The flake white Christmas to come, bring a light of hope and success you happy new year \'journey
For Christmas is a beautiful bright joy closing the old year and the beginning of an inspiring new
With warm thoughts and best wishes
Christmas and New Year!

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