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Page : 428
not be taken either dzīrotājam evil, that he for a moment forget the tasks to friends. For each animal but eventually paid.

For the new year is rich with good thoughts,
active days and happy moments of relaxation!


May this New Year be the dawn of New Hope,
Greater Prosperity and new joys for you!

For Christmas brings peace of mind
To joy and success full New Year!


The Christmas may bring the peace of mind,
May the New Year is full with gladness and success

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Will the white world
snow white snow,
And a white highways
white people go.
And to white people
thoughts are born white.
And the white working days
White Day is.

We thank you for your cooperation
wishing Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year!


We thank you for the good Cooperation
and wish you a Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year!
For Christmas Eve
Come quiet and calm,
But the new gold in the sun
Grains each day, Vol.
snow-white, spruce green, home heat
Christmas and New Year!
to quiet and calm svētvakars,

For peace of heart, to work, and friends

The soul can be thought white filament winding,

Comes to what will be expected of each
brightens as beautiful as dancing snowflakes!
Feel so warm and flaming candles!
To succeed in such a brilliant and festive sky
looked where the light dwells
Centuries constellations pinkish,
Raugies a child\'s faith
The sky opened the gate!

Affectionate and bright holiday!
Merry and Bright Christmas you!
A happy, prosperous and energetic New Year!
Tonight the doors do not close,
Let skies room.
Tonight maybe an angel will come quiet
Warm your warm breath,
Warm up your faith.
Wishing Merry,
creative and successful
New Year!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, peace, success and strength in the New Year!

In English:

Wishing you a Merry Christmas, peace, success and endurance for a New Year

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