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Page : 426
With hatred and with love,
Friend, do not ever wasteful:
Life in the lap of the need
After they have daily digs.
If you no longer will not be able to love,
Not animosity no longer in your chest will come out -
For the beggar, the wayside,
You\'d be a hundred times poorer!
you a cold smile, judging people,
What you have presented to the gold-lived,
And a cold smile, one you know
How many of them paid.
generous soul to top
As the sun
And to top the mind clear and the moon.
Eyes so quiet and welcoming
Look to the ground as the stars
nedziest glow plug,
some branches of the night. . .
It forever through
burn and glow of joy joy
torture pink
something had to be allowed
What are you talking about the west?
Our sun is still high -
Road as they flower
Long full of hand.
Long will our day,
Because I very much like to -
Want to beauty will always in
Across the world are burning!
the lime light honey dripping branches,
This light is drawn inside and does not disappoint,
in steps of thy land linden min -
You have light because you need the blessing.

To the wrist of the summer flowers wells is drawn,
the bees in the hands neiedzeļ
us how life was put into the world,
Said, how good and everything nice
To be a glad and smiling
Full life-long vessel.
Each star is born from its nucleus.
Every spring, wake up and bloom in a new form - it is the immortality which you can find satisfaction.
moon is a nice feature: when one side is sadilusi in the dark, then on the other side he takes a shining to grow.
most beautiful roses in bloom in the snow.
If someone put you in the heart of their thoughts, their found and recognized the truth - whether it is more than your blood?
straight strong feel their best, how difficult is life.
Faith is the idea that people come in from the other, from the invisible world. Faith does not require any external success, to prove his case.
As the inexhaustible source of inexhaustible it is a big personality. Constantly bubbling up from her thoughts and ideas that occurred is unexplained.

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Page : 426
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