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Page : 424
man who has lost the confidence of faith, even if he claims that soy mēci made from soybeans.
Sunny and warm to come to your life this evening,
You lively soul, unbroken life weight.
Look, the acme of the eternal sun rises.
neatkārtojies. You come to the land
Time and again for eternity, -
Keep the ever-not to be wound what I said!
driving me over the stars pouring
And fire and darkness flower dies.
With white angel wings pārslotu affect me,
And the star at the top of the choir can be heard.
Laimīt, white, gracious,
Good day propitious,
Put either star thirst again,
Let the mud from the field to climb.
What if, Laimīt propitious,
Turned more to the Sun Road,
To the new gold zeļu,
Then we will live somehow.
your hands is a beginning and an end
Your hands are wage and penalty
And I quietly go - no rush -
In that faith gives me peace of mind.

Not all - not imaginary ability
Not all - not the will nor the wit,
Glamorous grow only what you sowed,
Only one who come near you.
. . . love always shows
Honor in full fruit;
Holy, who planted it in his heart,
It will live happily forever.
Oh, if the flashing dream
Not just a dream in itself would be -
How much happiness and joy full,
Newness of the soul to become!

To a new life is awakening
How Ieviņa flourish
And white, fragrant flowers
About their lives backyard. . .
I do not know what yesterday was,
I do not know what will be the morning.
So tune your ears rustles as:
Heart wealth nesarūs
man searching for lime
Looking for Your Heart.
Outdoor honor to have run dry
As snow in summer.

Gold and silver trick,
Happy does not do \'.
Satibo natural gold
Can only bless.
deep, dark sky
Perch star flame;
Go through the wide world
A quiet dream song.

It is full of mysteries
Rejoice and mourn -
And how strange dream
The heart of one is watching.

It comes from love. . .
Come on, do not say so at this time,
That you\'re poor,
But that in their hands you
Man with \'flowers month!\'. . .

Says that the book of life
Much still a blank slate,
And that the early, early yet
I think the grave!. . .
sound waves in air,
Hours a year old crumbles.
Hopes and dreams cup
Again, I am on the table steaming.

Hopes and dreams cup
Again, I am in this sacred hour,
A fulfillment of all that deep
The soul is meant to be.
field frame, cool, quiet way. . .
Soft snow flakes are falling -
Mountains, valleys, buildings, trees
White blanket wrap.
And then the idea of ​​a full slow
Dark night along the forest comes
And by aizsnigušiem windows
Spark begins to shine. . .
- Before you really know me,
Say, a girl, nothing.

- Lost sight of thee sadness,
Come to love fruitful fields.

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