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Page : 421

This thought, the thought
Strangers a lot of thought;
Thought by strangers,
You do not think it up!
You think: time to come,
When everyone starts to think.

That said, it said,
Strangers talked a lot;
Uttered by strangers,
That you do not speak up!
You speak: all are suffering,
In order to speak with you all.

This Daija, it did
Did a lot of strangers;
What did the strangers,
You do not do it with you!
You have to do for himself,
To be able to live much longer!

The singing, the singing,
Strangers a lot of singing;
Sung by strangers,
That you do not sing along!
You sing: people blossom,
If the father is singing the song!

When those times come Latvians,
What other people are seeing now?
When you leave the darkness as a vapor,
In the eyes of people in hard cover?
When pūtīs winds that refresh
And the people mirdzina crown?

Those times are now already in the legs,
In the popular service gives pleasure;
Because fortitude now unlikely
What brings people to our God \';
A lot done, which begins to believe:
Slow to come, well come.

When Latvians by force dzītos
The fact that enlightens the mind,
After all, as has time, the cysts
Rehabilitation after what is really blessed,
Then pūstu winds that refresh
And the people mirdzina crown.

looked through the clear ice
I deep darkness;
I stayed and watched
From this depth.

Through the eyes silently watched
You Have the Heart - Miracle;
I stayed and watched
From this depth.
winter morning

Aust morning - the forest behind the red and white
Ceļamies sees a new day,
And soft white frost cloths
There is a quiet tree tinušies.

Smoke rising from the chimneys, poles,
Of forest crows hard run,
And brilliant axes have received
The work Mežinieki Brien.

As the first rays of gold Strings,
And frost flowers sparkle and trembling -
Oh, and a lot of joy in you
Graceful and brisk winter morning!

There are many stars in the sky,
And each strange glow;
There are many people in the world,
And everyone - a strange heart.
There are many stars in the sky,
And all the light is cause;
There are a lot of the world\'s hearts,
And all the loves and suffers. . .
While stars with lītu
And the sun we might be the exception;
While hearts melt together
Behind the pain and suffering:
To see how dudz light
With glow in the dark at night,
To feel the cold once long,
How big is the human heart.
Voice and echo

Where are you in your deep love?

Where do all that you had an expensive and holy?
It was cheap.

Where your gardens with singing beautifully?
Standing naked.

Where your fire and steel board?
Slaughtered in the images.

Went all over the wheel of time -
But I stayed the same.

Wheel all the ruins and the dust edge -
I will build again.

One dark night
Red and sky glow -
Red and white in the sky
Atviz putting the three gold stars.

One star Kurzemīte,
The other star Vidzemīte,
The third star in the constellation -
It had a dear Latgalīte.

Sarkanuguns kvēlumā
Birth of our free Latvia,
A red flag
The red plivināja.

Seven life of darkness
Forced latvi nospiezdamas,
All through izdzirkstēja
Latvian soul spark.

Shine, shine, burned, spark,
Tops a bright star in the sky,
White tops as the sun,
Heating the bars in the world!

My comrades, my friends,
Flag nesējiņi,
Are we beasts zvērēsim?
Crumbles beasts, beasts breaks.

Quiet hands on
Latvis free flag;
Tops, plantation, free Latvia,
Community of free people!

You\'re making life-long suffering,
Now come to our happiness:
Thy were, your are,
Thy will be for eternity.
TO LOVE relied

I love to plead

How much they gave,
How are issued,
So you are worth.

How many have gone
By itself,
So you have found;

How many have been lost,
So are the result of -

So you are worth.
three training

It is the star of a lesson for you:
\"Shine, shine, the soul shine!
Shine, shine as sardzene early and late
Their light at the door,
Do not let, oh Do not let the darkness there inside! \"
And the apex is the lesson:
\"Slejies, soul, slejies!
Slejies always proud and noble!
Higher and higher you should always strive;
Lust, when the break - so you will not bend. \"

And coal is the third lesson:
\"Dedze, soul, burned!
Burned, and stay always burning,
Although the ash cover you -
To reopen the flame burn you. \"

We are eternally restless children.
We never blood hums
anxiety red song.
Ever crave anxiety breast.

Struggle, longing, striving -
Cradle song has called.
First of all, you took a step,
Nascent anxiety scout.

Struggle, longing, striving -
Nava at night, or morning.
First of all, you took a step,
Nascent anxiety scout.

Struggle, longing, striving -
Nava at night, or morning.
Showers and dreamed of target
Rock goes further and trembling.

We are eternally restless children.
We never blood hums
anxiety red song.
Ever crave anxiety breast.

The superiority of pride is in vain
And others seen as below:
Whatever praise your head in gold,
Dusty earth beneath your feet lying.

There is nothing humble and zūdīties
And others believe that the highest:
Whatever flaws you shoulders raised,
Above the head lying in the infinite sky.

We all something expensive in the heart of bear,
There is something for every Laugh and as\'ras things
One way we came,
On the one goal of all to leave.

Another death in the dark
Under the grave bent
We will call to life,
We\'ll call it:

Of the two dreams,
Of the two long
One beauty - love -
Bloom for eternity.

In your heart I feel peace again
As the ancient day light hours, Mom!
And I think it would be something forever,
While nothing will be unable to pierce.

As occasional night my life span was,
Well I want to be like a child to you small,
Well I know life\'s happiness enjoyed -
For your love is nothing more sacred.

My body from the sea - salty tears and blood.
I thought from the sea - more and more tempted.
My power from the sea - there is no heavy burden
My disability causes - neaizbēg from a safe shore.
My loneliness causes - which have known how sad silence?
My restless mind: polished wave can not rest.
My tenderness and dream - the celestial horizon included,
My hot recklessness - singing aukai surrenders.
My curiosity leads - called the unseen side.
My thirst - neatdzeras, all currents drunk.
Bow my knees in front of the sea: in you know my mother -
Teach the way I still Nava: Deep peace majesty!

World vagabond
IETA stalled while fun -
bring you
Pointed heels.
They samin so happy hearts.

Stop, vagabond, padziedi song
Song of the Syrian desert glow,
song of the Japanese flowering cherry trees,
song of storms at sea,
nava at home with your heart, not the same,
Little girl,
who sold themselves for pieces of bread
cruel and groans of the chest.
Stories of the sea
waves yet secured ashore
carrying on his shoulders
broken vessels, and a new tribe of people,
hardened thy spicy caress,
strong and proud
as a rock.

The eternal vagabond
stoppage time
padziedi and their wonderful songs!

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