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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Mob: +371 29828152
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Page : 420
carry out the job properly, always short of time, but it remakes it, always have a plenty of time.
possible to identify a number of trouble they will most definitely order.
Any boss will seek to increase, rather than a collaborator, but the number of subordinates.
Optimists invents an airplane, a pessimist - a parachute.
Life is a loan rather than a gift.
Life is a hospital where every patient wants to move to another bed.
The most difficult part of the work that neuzdrīksties start, and it becomes a nightmare.
mouth gets used to speak to the heart adapts to believe.
I have always been amazed that the women allowed to attend church. What do they can talk to God?
woman is an invitation to happiness.
Friendship, which is a sensible mother of generosity and honesty, gratitude, and humanity\'s sister, but the enemy of hatred and greed, always ready, waiting for an invitation, bravely do for others what it is like to do for her.
Threats are arms for those who are at risk.
lips from kissing nenodilst, just restored.

A lot of the storm we went over once,
And if we have a lot of people would -
God will call, and asked,
Increasingly we are again in the sun.

Through time immemorial He footsteps
So why Latvian people come
For once the misery and sorrow
Built on the powerful.

To the child because the mother says,
To hear from the lips of his father\'s son:
From each of darkness safe trail
Will lead us toward the sun even more.

We can go through all the anguish,
We can suffer even worse,
Because God will lift my arms
Us when our day will come.

Dear father to the ground Grab present
Hold it shut with all your heart!
You \'šeitan strong roots there;
How niedra\'ll be there in a strange aside,
What little breeze oppor corrupt.

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