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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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conceited man is rarely grateful, he was always confident that receives less than deserved.
defeat makes people invincible.
Visnīstamākais hate object has ever loved a woman.
lovely person is striving to connect the drive with a pleasantly painful feelings and longings of the beloved man in the distance, and the sweet tīksmainām feelings when loved ones are nearby.
woman, the man returned, thinking That return the Entire World - his Sacrifice, while the man seen here just playing things easy - he was playing, she is a moment - an Eternity, he - just a moment.
Education sage reveals his lack of knowledge, but a fool to hide.
tend to be dual accident, our failures and other mishaps.
Experience the wisdom of the Ongoing nonsense to distinguish the old, tedious acquaintances.
Patience is a virtue of despair disguised weakened form.
specter of external and internal visible embodiment of fear.
Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Christ because it is contrary to the sinful life.
bride is a woman being able to be a happy thing of the past.
Circus is a place where elephants, horses and ponies are able nolūkoties as muļķojas men, women and children.
bothersome person is one who talks when you would like him to listen.
Absurd - assertion or belief that manifestly does not correspond to what in this respect we think we are.

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Page : 414
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