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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 411
is three youth: Youth of the body, the heart of youth and the spirit of youth. Pity that they never match time.
Borrow money only from pessimists. They already know that will not get it back.
men trying to marry women who love women while trying to fall in love with men that are married.
We need to go from his wife before she leave us in a very noble way preventing him from remorse.
great heart, like the ocean, never freeze.
Humanity - that is, where is the mortal human immortality.
To be free is nothing to be free - is all about.
Out of people who did not love freedom, but have requested it fair for everyone, but unfair - the trail itself.
government - the sails of the nation - the wind. Country - ship time - the sea.
Philosophers have only blacksmiths, who is making a plow. After they are still a long way to come out bread.
Each lesson is devoted to the hatred of eternity, which is deprived of love.
Suffering is the father of wisdom, love - the mother.
Morality - Religious Grammar: easier to correct than to live beautifully.
ministers are falling as sandwiches, usually - face down.
woman only live once loved. Herself she finds only when a man is already gone.

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