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Page : 408
entrepreneurial women - to awaken the man\'s soul energy, her passion cēliskās, feel obliged to support and drive for the high and noble - here it is her significance, and it is a great and holy.
woman - a male guardian angel throughout his life time. Earth she represents grace, she is a priestess of love and sacrifice, his life is the Comforter disasters and misfortunes, she is a man\'s joy and pride.
woman who knows how to love only her husband and their children, but not for anything else she has no understanding and no desire for anything else striving for - is just ridiculous, pathetic and unworthy of love a man who is only able to that love his wife and children.
Love has its own laws of development, its stages, and flowers. It has its own gorgeous spring, hot summer, autumn, finally, that one is warm, bright and fruitful, the other - cold, barren and full of Trudi.
There is nothing more dangerous than to associate his life with a woman just because she is young and beautiful.
everything in life focusing mainly on the heart, love - that she is living, and sacrifice - to love
Write down your income and expenses are very valid. If you do not, at all times have the impression as if you live beyond their means. If the record - it is becoming evident.
Every person is able to do any work, but on condition that it should not need to get on now.
Tell me about your phobias, and I\'ll tell you, of which you are afraid.
phrase is sometimes prescribed for friendship and even some national destiny.
Mother\'s Heart - an inexhaustible source of wonder.
But their life is taken on the podium, never the monument after his death.
Freedom is a test of strength.
Reconciliation is a force to guard against undue self-love.
All true genius is erotic.

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