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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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Flash cards

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Donated equipment to children hospitals

History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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pity is the worst, one can offer a woman.
cause of ulcers is not what you eat but what you are roasting.
The truth is that women change their decision in a very short period of time: his time and laugh and cry and love and hate.
If after talking with your doctor the patient is left easier, it was not a doctor.
Seeing people\'s weaknesses, really do not know which is more appropriate - to cry or laugh?
ability to accurately quote is much less common than we think.
not in order to confront and refute the talk, and not to be true and accepted as self-evident, and not to find a basis for negotiation, but in order to consider and settle the dispute.
Ethics tasks proves to be much more complex than policy challenges. Ethics aims to penetrate and fill the soul with the internal arrangement of, and civil science does nothing except the outer fold.
power over human affairs depends only on the arts and sciences, because of the nature can not rule other than in obeying it.
man, natural man and nature interpreter, and can be understood only in so far as he is thinking or practices of the nature saskatījis prevailing order. He knows more and can not perform.
is better to know what to know, and still believe that our knowledge is incomplete, than to think that we all know thoroughly, and yet ignorant of what is reported.
enemy retaliation, the man only be compared to him, but forgiving - transcend.
against the memory of his predecessor are just and reverent, the debt otherwise he certainly would be returned afterwards.
man rule over others, loses his own freedom.
Truth is the daughter of his time.

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