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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


Page : 401
Atroc all the layers of time,
Living the door open doing!
Before the dvēsle rudeņotu,
Give it again in the spring
Tired of refugee work
But strong i then you have to be.
Nature you can not be a friend,
Friend Sevim\'re alone.
of the past who do not mourn,
To not worry about the future
And present known to use
This advice is not much to give.
Christ child to shine upon us!
Sweet, sweet and long needles -
In the salutation of this nature,
To us pure hearts, good.
Beautiful is the life of rustling and froth, and Kuso,
Tukšoto dish again and again that is drawn.
around you winter or spring -
So the heart of the ever-youthful spirit alive.
peace - peace in our soul -
Give enlightened life.
to land is not pain,
when it is mentioned in my legs.
To suffer is not a flower,
the child the crown pin.
And so there is no
soul without the sun!
. . . happy he who listens to the breath,
Who knows, that there is no God, but he himself,
Not aizmūžības, only time and space,
Where once we izsmaržo life flavor.
As a natural phenomenon not without feelings.
Emptying bucket of satisfaction to the bottom, we find it more gravel than pearls.
man is strong when it confesses its weakness.
is incorrect belief that man can not be happy with a woman: it is equivalent to the statement that a good musician needs several violins to play music.
Only women can be like the last love of a man\'s first love.
woman who mock their husbands do not love it anymore.

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