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Page : 400
Uzdziedāsim, brothers,
A fun song!
To go heavy thoughts
Their tracks!

Sing of everything
So that the songs live. . .
We will be having fun today:
God knows how to go tomorrow.
happiness as foam burbulīts,
As the page bal love
But as the steel blade hone
There are serious human will.
Each day, the wait and wires,
Golden coat makes you shoulders.
Dreams - they are your blessed years
Where the soul is rich.
you - my joys, my sorrows
The path that leads evening.
But what will you get your feet
On your life path in a spirit?

Feet from the green grass grow.
At the grass saplauks pink flowers,
And approached the vicinity, turned Tale.
And approached the gates of humanity.
no one living in you,
Not one soul:
From the land of flowers and birds
You bring something to himself.
Another cup of life is not izsīcis
And we believe in an eye for fun.
When you miss the golden September,
May hopes to have bet.

If the target ever lost,
Or because jāskumst travelers?
We continue to be the time to
And we believe - flakes the storm
Given by the golden September.
You, rose from puķīšu family
The most attractive sister, your flower -
This rubīnkauss at the chance
And torment! - The abundant rain!

There is joy and happiness heartache
Sneak over the touch. . .
Go on, have a youthful happiness -
We no longer lives netiksimies!. . .
I know the words of a man Vila,
However, I say to them,
To the pain as deep,
How is happiness to me now!
Friend, chestnut hand gives,
He is like your conscience.
On the table she put the flower -
There\'s deceit and flattery Nava.
fluff in the air restless,
Where many a storm, a little sunshine,
It\'s endless sea of ​​life
You\'d be, Little Soul. . .

What dzelmēm you to transfer,
Where the ships go giants misery?. . .
Oh, so one is able to keep a safe port -
What led by stars in the sky.
love relied on -

How they gave
How you managed,
So you are worth it.
How\'re gone
By itself,
So you found -

How are gone,
So are the result of -

So you are worth it.
Naksniņas relish -
Star that shines;
Prime of life -
Bezvainas heart.
jāskumst not - so the poor have Carbon,
When melted crayon - it can become a diamond.
My peace - anxiety,
My happiness is - pain,
I decided not to stand,
Do not let me rest.
And I never hurry
As the future of rushing
With the burning shoes
By the present cross
tend to call it fate,
the strong, bright and harsh,
But it\'s everyday lives,
and his name is - work.

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