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Page : 399
Let the earth bless green flowers,
To bless the sun warm caresses.
To bless the air smells sweet,
Day to bless new works,
To bless the night, as I am you
With all the prizes together and with you!
two holy
on your lips, I found
Everything you did not say the words,
On their two ķiršogām
I desire falls asleep.
I am with you aizsapņojās
The whole day without noticing -
Earth rocked easily,
It is as if a bird flying by.

It is as if a bird on his way -
We are on the wing tips,
Silvery light slices
Racing against the measure.
Is it a flower Carbon monoxide,
Or a warm night Outside the window,
Whether it is your breath?
You\'re a night.
You are the summer.
You\'re a flower.
You Surrender
So happy, so holy.
woman - you are a May evening,
the bright stars through the fingers bārsta,
who grovel river, forest and hearts
new, hungry, thoughtless -
grovel, weary brilliance and light.
As a cherry tree in your hands
Flowers and berries hide,
Is not within your flowers in the cold,
When the heart of incense soot.
Come to my heart so softly,
How come the flowers in the spring,
Come to my heart and Dusia
There, the stream mēnesstars.

Come on, how allažiņ already come
As soon as daylight dziest,
Come back and teach me
The lips on the lips you press.
Oh, soul, beautiful, my friend, my joy,
Come along, which is called vizot mountain snow.
Come let us go to the most beautiful future
By love and beauty varvīksni
On top of star tālēm.

And world wide and mighty
All noreibst us\' soul\'s beauty,
So believe in yourself, believe in so far as
We love the sun and the man still,
And the earth and flowers, and medicinal products.
requires strength,
Do not exhaust yourself to the end,
Rescued a grain of light -
Both used to serve the island.
This is the middle of summer,
The same mid-summer.

But more and more of my days will grow,
As emitters sun flower flourish
Each morning, after nebula floods -
But my day will grow even more.

My sun is the sky in the middle,
And she has to climb!
We long to live a long time yet -
Every night a star struck to the heart,
And every plant a flower that burns and glowing -
We long to live a long time yet.

To piegurst, wakes up again for a sit-
Every sound of Growing up and being born are born,
Every thought that Growing up nenorimst.
Every new heart, which is ever in progress -
To piegurst, wakes up again to beat!
your lips are silent,
Why eyes nemirdz joy?
Once across the side of life -
Both have aged shoulders redundant.

Sadness, a friend, and black rust
Life can light the dark.
Nebēdāsim we are not the devil -
Also limosa seeds sown.
Is it quiet, or it dvēs\'le,
that the song mentions
Which memory for you,
day \'of the day knows?
And I listen and I listen to
throughout the night to -
Moon of my window panes
silver smiles. . .
may years to come, can accumulate -
after one hundred and fifty come;
but, if you will know how to meadow
the stork talk
a stone that is sinking in the cell,
to the stream, which hurries
rimst and infinity,
then even after a hundred
nepierims your life.

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