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Page : 398
quietly, you come to me,
Quietly hand gives;
Fortunately, just a quiet heart
You did not forbid me.

When to you - will report to the safe,
Less emotional distress,
Less am looking back
I am on the road difficult.
Listen, naktsšalkās where stars are born -
My soul and your eternity sinking,
Listen to yourself and you will hear me there,
Me, you and a blue eternity.
Bēdz from me when I laugh, -
Then I can do evil;
What are the pink and charcoal
His soul feel shame.
But when I sirdsēstos gurstu,
Black smoke in their agony, -
Come on, if the sad heart says
Provides hands of his brother.
When you get chance to land,
Forget me soon then:
Memory to not reach the
Dark your paradise.
What about me, I do not know
You lay down everything myself.
Ij I do not know whether to give -
I am only myself in you Rod.
Me and you - on the same branch pūpoli,
And over us the happiness of the sky dome.
To the branch where we morning dawned,
We are sitting in the clouds clear.

One drop of dew we drink,
One eyelet to the sun with swing.
One morning two Vēsmiņš call,
One stem on live race.
Put your head on my lap:
Two more star shines.
Silence quieter, deeper depth,
Getting closer to the heart of the universe.
. . . love to love the meet -
It should not light, nor permit
It is not fear the devil, no laundry,
It knows how to quietly quietly solīšiem
With Cat\'s quotes izlaipot
To the unfamiliar road.
I\'ll be the wind that drives away the clouds,
You beam from a distance, you beam
You class warm floral sheets,
And then it will be spring -
You, me and the eternal spring.
I think - your hands are strange
magic power,
Your eyes - sweet blessing. . .
I think - the fire that burns in your heart,
God\'s wisdom is as deep.
The will of my head lay at your feet.
And finally be - at home.
I kiss your hand -
Neapkūst work.
I kiss your forehead -
You thought Becoming light.
I kiss your eyes -
And theyâ See No Evil.
I kiss your lips -
Theyâ light up red.
You bloom like a flower -
I love the behind the dizzy.
We two alone will have a longer of
To the Wider World.
How easy life is when aware
That\'s you!
As a stone falls to the depths of severity.
How many hours in the beautiful,
When I think about you! -
They sparkle silver wings
And over the rhythms easily.
How many hours in the beautiful,
When you dream of thee, -
For those lovely eyes
And the sweet smell of a clamp. . .

How many hours in the beautiful,
When I miss you! -
They wings of flame blossoms
And the pace of tired. . .
How many hours in the beautiful,
What I spend with you,
For those happy eyes
And gently pats wing.
Not because of you, brīnummīļā,
Sweet word to me about a lot:
Lights up like a star zvīļā,
Shine your love is called.

Gravity of all that fate has given,
Your hand clamps breaks:
I do not know myself anymore,
Since the sun is love flowing.
There are hearts to be more of the sun
To give light and heat can.

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