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Page : 395

That summer was a staunch air
Urgent pine

Everything just horrible everything just beautiful
Two-reaching distance rail

Dove in front of a mixture of two
White roses we threw down the road

I was so happy about it as you are smiling
It had much more than I expected

Two pine trees against the storm passes
Two pine trees so go and sing

Everything has been a boon that has already been
But the best is still running

On the sunny trail passes two cows
It first had bovis and the second will be Jovis

I am not afraid that you will not fathom
I know how good you all will know how to

You wake up early morning in the ears
I dusēšu blanket up to his ears Tiit

Outside vidžinās small birds
They will be my trustees and ambassadors

And if still distant Bell Tolls
It\'ll be a devoted and will no longer be my

We will not will not will not be old
Outside the time your dear shoulders

We welcome a wide blockbuster
Called \"Your life and mine\"
Keipene - LĪGATNE, 42 CFR

I\'m going. And one alive.
I go in your future.
What resonates with you, Black Forest?
What do you say, bosom?

Where it is. Where is it going to be.
Steps kilometers.
Where it is. Where is it going to be.
Together we are far from united.

Hear. I do not see. I do not feel anything.
How do I know where you live,
Do you want me at all?
Life does not teach anything.

I am coming. I am coming.
One of the world.
Nedzen not. Nedzen away.
Because of the prom has come to me.

How can a man. Long runs.
How can your mouth. Keep closed.
That\'s all.
It seems to me.
who own the eyepiece back in the corner
where path will lead me to where I am going
the opposite
his life for me and shoulders
two-door cabinet
sits quietly in the corner crying
Snows in the world in my cabin
world in my cabin stove
and there are guns in the oven

if someone had wandered into my world
then let him go in the cabin
then let him warm the water cup
drink tea and uzpīpo
And that night through a field blanda,
The mother did not tell,
I still do not know if had a grief, or high, where they

Two equally strong in the heart of the rock pile
My pace klibojoša, head hurts and your eyes can not see
In lessons.

Of course, the only thoughts go in the night
My heart is filled - then go for the morning, half in a dream
If I come out very late from home
If the house is burning light bulb without false
If the night to raise their tails jāņtārps
If I come out very late from home

Too late in time to drop his eyes everywhere
Too tired to pray to raise
Too stupid to know the number of output
Too late in time to drop his eyes everywhere

No man in the streets is not no hot head
Nobody does not intend to lift off my back
No one knows the remnants of the now will be
No man in the streets is not no hot head

Then go screaming hamster pet shop
Then I will put in place the old man will be
Then suddenly a good sagribas then be a different
Then go to pet shop desperately screaming hamster

See, atgāzeniski she goes,
I Bolos to slim floor.
JUPI pull me as I stand
if it now goes beauties.

Maybe not at all the beauty,
which then can be seen from the sixth floor?
Maybe a John (or maple)
spirinās successor to him already?

Perhaps call, get down? Not really
Rehn it away in the evening
and some Honey in me In this regard,
zvīļo as Hispanic real gold.
Bush sitting in the devil

Folding klip
what steps alone
what the empty park benches
Folding klip

why girls
you will not read novels
you just have
they are meant

Folding klip
an acacia
negation of a simple household

hear my whispers and echoes
how long a full heart to beat
Folding klip

dzīvīte dzīvīte
whom you have given Me
the divvientulību
by itself
smells and wavy air moved in
bush sat the devil
I heart the bud,
Since the sun you.
When my kisses,
Then blooms.

My heart as a snail\'s
Since you pearl;
With you \'is all I have,
One does not fit.
There is no one living in you,
Not one soul:
Of the earth, flowers and birds
You bring something to himself.
sight of me,
You iespurkšķi Coast
And was Hiding at the birds.
But When The Lilac donate,
You open your eyes,
Blue eyes heat-impacted,
And white, sound legs
Brings me to you.
Love Sundays housing is a human soul.
Only a man can give a person a fortune.
Home is where the hand resting in his hand, and where better to descend into hell and heaven alone - alone.
I do not hear the words. I read them on your forehead. I did not examine, I just watched. I believe and you can trust. Come, I will give thee.

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