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Page : 393
Last song of parting

And the song is already
There are departures. . .
Where she will hide,
When guns speak?
As if simply left to write, and every
word to weigh all the world\'s gold
and the time it will be for nothing.
Where you will hide,
Where did you flee,
Nightingale, vālodzīt?
Will I be able
Get away
You see it?
Quietly sit on the stump,
Once around the grass will burn. . .

How many guys
How many helicopters
We will cover?
And when I\'m going to go way and,
You neķeries around my neck.
I know you easy
My song, you have,
But in my harness
Space shall be no more.
\"I aiziedams war\"

I do not want to go to war today,
Nurses leave the cradle of a big city.
I would so like even less from her pārnākt,
I suspected and the nurse will be written down.

I come back, I come back,
In his insights dzīvītē
And try to do it discreetly.
To notice them
Myself, I -
What will be the day after tomorrow.
a given land area

Near the sea I watch the sky
And hope they pulled me
Star girl who will love me.

And unquenchable hope,
Vildama my body,
Cold choked his neck jig.

I dzenāju ball in the yard, oh, Jim!
I climb in the basement be naughty, oh, Jim!
Resnulis, quarreling with the neighbors yard
aggressive and thin.
Then I sit the roof ridge
Slate and bellows, oh, Jim, oh, the beautiful Jim!

I wear the first smoke, oh, Jim!
And it is a camel tobacco, oh, Jim!
Then, together with the old Selindžeru
We argue both the constellation of the Swan, oh, Jim!
I hope we are to each other
We will be good, oh, Jim, oh, the beautiful Jim!
Song departure

Long look at the feet;
Trying to Grieve quietly.
Is my song
pate is gone?
Did you see him I
\'re Hidden?

Bird\'s quotes in the snow,
simple ornament.
He is here savicinājis Wings
and aizlaidies

Now I
stand in the place
I have a hostile
I do not want the sky
See mars

the streets are empty and green
because this is a summer morning
legs and two bayonets
drill down and shake

step by step
This hot dance
but the blood does not flow
not flowing tears
as water gutters
tonight is rained tonight is rained
Asphalt is a pure
long and black thoughts think

step by step
This hot dance
but the blood does not flow
not flowing tears
as water gutters

the man still warm ashes
stored in the bosom of
nothing will stick to his
boot soles

step by step
This hot dance
but the blood does not flow
not flowing tears
gutters as the water flows
every summer morning
this man to roam the streets
forgive him all
mājojat in the sky

step by step
This hot dance
but the blood does not flow
not flowing tears
gutters as the water flows
To keep the grim procession -
Behind the man\'s a man over a high bridge to go
So their breath - my country\'s air
And heavy fists - heaven and hell.
In order not to grim procession,
I flew in wood: two hours
From my Viteri and Trellis air
The axle was spelled,
the death of the husband. . .
And the procession justified gloom.
and want to be ABLE
Just think of the war.
iesvaidi yourself
the wet grass by the river of the road
an apprentice
this soporific evening

for every glimmering streams Way
large stream of the river
Have you seen and understood the top
The Chair Remains
darker and sārtojas
And all the heavens and the only
is your crime
and Blood clotes in color

do not shake your hand
nenotrauc Racial non-marking
Which is so Easily absorbed into the
Trainee kaskotās heads
iesvaidi yourself
Disciple of the river
Disciple of the reed
the furthest into the river grow
and on the
will trace

Blood from Thy Foot Injury

Before the machine will begin to hack
The Opposite Shore
there you have a swim or the Lisu
iesvaidi himself a Disciple of the water
Trick Blood Cells

only smoke smoke
only gravel and sand
klepojoši shrubs
and one morning left

detour routes met
Bridge meet anyone
sometimes passes late
and it also seems
be silent to me,
Cooking the ash mess.

It will be calm
With oglītēm bottom.

If there is wind,
Oglītes iekvēlosies

And dispersed in all directions.

And we can
Die at the same time

As we have promised.
with a white dove on the finger
you\'re in deep meadow
and start neklausīgo birds
from raspodiņa drink

and the temptation to go up
leads to sink in sorrow and doubt
far as the girl you love
and parents were on god

as despised your stomīšanos
over the meadow falls backwater
and peace
bays pilots come back to your bird
the crop beak beer cheese
Ojārs a German

and suddenly it seems to me
do not burn
I heard a rooster logs

my heart and the universe at the same time hurts
but people should not hurt it

light-years with
the speed of light
my hand goes to the beloved
and she loved to come
I have eyes
closed off with strawberries

my heart and the universe at the same time hurts
but people should not hurt it

I play the piano
I played the piano
light melody of humanity to go
and when she comes to the human
I have eyes
closed off with strawberries

I stand wavy meadow
Zen shoots and leaves
Winds pieglauž and maintain grassland
each stem is flame
and I can no longer burn
but I can feel pain
and hurt me.
Universe, the heart and the same.
I always pilēšu wormwood,
There is no one that never allow it.
I always authorities maintain sagebrush,
To all at once mow.

Because we are one room
Forever cemetery and roadsides

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