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Page : 392

Burning ball of nasty mosquitoes
laidelējās afloat.
Bearded and thin walking god
atkaudamies from burning bullets.

Rays of the sun as the source, and the branches
Kosmos tore to pieces,
systems were fragments of a bite.
God wished them a little dress,

because our father was born in former Ocean
(Smell of sauerkraut sounds).
Stars aizspieda nostrils,
slammed the sphere shutter.

Pierijies lamprey -
toothed and slender, gray or blue -
from the depths Popups pterodactyl. . .

This testimony far from aizsen
Poems of maize

your eyes so green
as corn
your hands so small
as corn
less rigid forms
As Karl Cruise
around your house
growing corn
are you going to the well
with a cup of green
the cup is written

You\'re a brigadier sārtvaidze
I kolkhoz tractor driver stately
The evening breeze caress us forehead
We go where the hearts are called

I climbed a tree, I look Tale,
I saw a Tale of the day Bale
And becomes entangled in the thick grass to gaze

And I wanted to be faster down from tree
Round the trunk stuck rock -
I tore the skin was so contagious

Tears thick, which descended from the tree.
Wood bellowed torment, wood iestenējās
(For both of us laughed Chafer

trembled, and the heavens mighty laughter)
and it seemed that the tree to shake off my aim.
But knits, we stick together closely

As a cowboy with a horse: I grew spurs
At basajām feet and wings atvēzās
mighty Vedas
And we are sky high bombing -
Away from their loved ones.
- Thank you, son, for a further grief. -
I saw the mother sitting in skvēriņā.

there Lasso through the window and down the slide
entangles and wrinkled face

There\'s the old man\'s drink absinthe īdēdama
Table Below the Elbows and laughing

THEN halloo break the pub
and black stockings hit the window
Give me a stack centuries ārdētu
corner of the northerners battle with Toulouse-Lautrec

the mirror landing nets
intoxication one man lying in gutters

and the mirror comes to life
wet from where nogūlies

and atspulgojot sky
flying carp away from this land

the man asked pretty face picked up
what happened happened

for thy words are Zarda
will be fine well what grates
no you do not hold then climb climb
but you stronger than death hurt
thank you and look will conclude

well good for thunderstorm will
storm and kick you dzīs
lightning die nesarūs
thunder thunder

the late Red-breasted brat
do you remember us
she Poet Poet
You will live in poverty

I am glad to be at least grbēju
if you can not know everything
I wanted to honor his jacket to sew
you make me sad

we have Zarda
and distilled water
we have words
and last fall

iztop or neiztop will become a

I am an eternal being
you can not oblige
my death cuts the grass
with his scythe

we have Zarda
and distilled water
we have words
and last fall

What can we help you?

I want the death
stocky woman
a well-mown
and were a god


we have Zarda
and distilled water
we have words
and last fall

What can we help you?


so I chalk and marguerite
the same sultry tvīkumā
I have nothing to nepiemetas
of graying for example, and the law

River or the ever popular grief is not?
When you see clouds,
Who is everywhere, who knows?
It is sad people ūdensaudus weave
For his sons deep waters
For those who have gone over,
For those who did not know - they did not clouds,
They fire, the powder was
They water the opposite of the eternal -
Even stranger -
They had their own river
And woe to his people,
And clouds kept the same sky,
Who knows all the people
And bitter over uzvandītai falls to the ground.
I want to be water, it is eternal and wise,
Who own another\'s does not know
Rain and its tissues are woven,
And do not go into the fire ---
nedusmojiet, the old soldiers
You nedusmojiet old soldiers
On my lapwing cry in the mist.

I am so unsophisticated and naive
And have not got a nose powder,
The room you\'re hiding from us,
thank you

we are the ones
who will have to go;
they are those
which will have to wait;

our children may
never and will not go anywhere.

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