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Page : 389
recognition as Gloden skauj cold indifference of mind and joy of yesterday\'s peace Salta weave. Already felt - apnikumsuz forehead glūnīgs snauž And izdeŗ light moment as the years accumulate passion. And although I bargi your heart preparation, so even I will be impassive janolauž branch, which is roughly complete for glow shadow glauž as though I thank you never know, because the force lacks me to plead guilty as I love what is evil AIT my face, but away from the humble self-gain. Even the hill so I want when I go down, And pat acquired by another change my haste to further trauktos restless ran.

I myself izsvaidu every moment in all winds,
And every flame melts the gold life to me.
No one wanted to ātrākne nemitējos,
Up to the last cup is empty of the lips was built.
I miss the moment of force to put an end,
Although I know that beneath the depths of each
It is green slime, sand to the shore side of the
Coolness, and always comes after the heat of the day.

Do I have enough - not your sweet breath,
Not quite the rush hours viemuļās.
Sliding too slow all day zvīļās,
And over-frame las blood veins.
From the depths of the forest Verd ever perfume fierce,
And tendons roots peeping land split,
So each morning short of breath, live,
Where to draw the fierce joy of the day.
Do I have enough - every proximity is still a long way
And hate no one is quite deep and sharp.
Cut each hour of face to face erencing of parcels,
And, once obtained, everything collapses and the small details.
blink brilliance

Do I izdegšu today or morning,
I will be equally applicable zilgs brilliance.
Do I izdegsu today or morning -
Trey moments in life that will last.
Value A in the light, opened his eyes,
Dive miracle came lascivious,
And the wave breast I place,
No desire to rock the praise
Themselves anxious day, having fun,
Every time I felt that the glowing
Moment brightness across me wasting
His quick flicker yet.
One moment izskanes song
Rimsies day blizzard bright,
One moment the flame goes off, -
The face will gleam bright.
Do I izdegšu today or morning,
I will be equally applicable zilgs brilliance.
Do I izdegšu today or morning -
Trejums moments in life that will last.

The river is deep and wide,
Shores of Lodz and crumbles.
Restless and sharp
Stream of Atvari stumble.

Wave wasting sidabu tough
Depths sparkle branch:
- To you I neapnīkstu,
Nerimis changing my spirit

Changing light and shadow,
Stream is no peace anywhere.
Eternity rustle slow
Also a habitat for it there.

I want to live up to the very bosom of the n
At noslŗpmie thy life, to descend.
What stands written in the stars? Maybe that my sies
The Trulli bondage fatigue tough and SMIE
Ļaunsuns face the same fate and will indignantly to pour
God of wine kausāto that creates Wormwood?

I fear not. Wood necropsy ground flesh
With roots up gold urbdamies.
I do not lack humility timidly leaning
The fact that without love, one day, I will go to the spirit,
But if I give it a small and lean,
I\'m going to go herself to take the life of your court!

Once you have RAIBIE skirts must be drawn,
And then his tired, full sūru taunt,
You will go deep in the dark to meet his God. -

So quiet is the path that will lead you away,
Please note that your breath will say louder than words
What you will not be happy for yourself, not your friend relatives.

You no stranger to save the brilliance and cheap -
As the gray evening will become all life span,
And will return your emptiness, cowardice, weakness.

You have to face grave screeching gale of laughter,
What, includes skis,\'d be laughed out loud
Once had to confess and to remain silent should have.

There is nothing you will not be deep in the heart weighed -
With mild bells, with a bright fuss
You\'d spent a moment, an hour of the year.

And then you have spotted coats put off God. -
Is it really so alone you\'d have?
He was humiliated and quiet, you saw.
pedestrian song

Fade coast and disappearing edge,
Where else was vakarrīt.
Today, his final journey
I can not see anymore.

Blazing the moon climbed high,
Endless road opens.
The spirit of his own thirst for power,
Insatiable sipping.

Faltering step, touch the ground,
Brien terrible deep stream.
It takes a night and at dawn,
New winds over the running

Shaking hands cover her face -
Dark heart feelings of terror.
Where am I going? Where am I going?
- Creating a road, come off.
Bitter joy

I see no good nor evil -
Sadness, face persecution.

What all of the shoulder

We are so pleased to laugh?
В Ночь Лиго снова празднество открылось
Под щедрый треск весёлого костра.
Лигует Латвия. Запасов пива, сыра
Достаточно до самого утра.
Льёт пиво Янка тоже Янке - сыну,
Звучит над морем простенький мотив.
Лигует Латвия. Когда необходимо,
Никто на месте сиднем не сидит.

Найти судьбу в весёлом хороводе
Пытаются веками латыши.
Лигует Латвия. На воле, на природе.
Конец работе! Праздновать спеши!
Забавами раскрашен голос неба,
Из пламени рисуются тела.
Лигует Латвия. Вакханкам на потребу
Ночь Солнца непосредственна бела.
С красавицей никак не разминуться
На узенькой извилистой тропе.
Лигует Латвия. Цветочек жизни лучшей
Жених невесте дарит на заре.

В Ночь Лиго снова таинство вершилось,
Звучали песни Лиго до утра.
Лигует Латвия. . . Мне это всё приснилось.
Прекрасный сон. Прекрасная игра.

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