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Page : 388
Do not give up to laziness,
This shame plotting.
Work casts out extra treat,
Lime to spend.
you to this year, every day \'
New wall bouquets luck!
At the flower so numerous -
Cash Murka fuller.
So it will be up to the grave guls:
Dulles is crazy, anything beats the pulse.
to drink, to sing, to launching a diet!
For we have a sacred deities law!
To Trimpe us beer is beginning to rain!
To atdzīvo ancestral virtue
While you or a dozen would be gross
And a lot of love you would feel,
Without the woman you\'re one of Feeble,
But marriage - sonorous bell.
worry a lot - but not excessive,
Sorrow - drop, spray - joy,
And after days of gray
Solar moment additives!
Few though, a friend, you have to balance -
Tak about it - it\'s true.
visits the grief, then do not allow them to attack immediately, half of them keep in the next day.
Well things have a closer approach, it becomes far -
Wood juice hides the nose, curved branch crabby,
Frightened bird wings rising quickly.
Sounds edged lie quietest vārdoa,
Close caress becomes bitter strike and a similar,
On the face of three shadow sagumstot pain.
Which will be affected - all slip away, descending breath, Smoke thirst,
Trembling anxiety and tend to break spīvo remoteness,
But the collapse of his own helpless craving.
That dream still hear the murmur of the alien -
It voice, the breath, which flies over me,
But the magic of the evil people live in hiding.

From the ground to take you, for you will stay low -
Three-Sai yellow sand once roaring over you grus.
But still you mistaken in this life, although the steps you sinking sand,
Removal of dust in the wind tearing tow, and to fall into the hands and rimst.
And sometimes you feel that they iebirst eyelid and badly roasting,
Heart iedrebas anticipation of a long and his fate be heard.
You see - from trūdainās earth to the sun rising flower,
But the roots of the dust of the Pinas and head off to put them.
You land tveries glory and you forget for a moment allowed,
But the kiss turned a blind eye, you hear - leave your name already.
One word more whispers lips for some time delayed view
But the sand sticks to you hands, and sand iestiedz yourself.
Land taken from you, for you will stay low,
Three handfuls of yellow sand soon roaring over you grus.

Izbrista sea of ​​blood,
Peaceful become legs.
Soul searching gurusi
His troubled home.
Distance iedrebas land
The heart shrinks in fear yet.
Or again over me
Lights in the death of the cock?
Search Engine. - This day nij large.
Day of anguish and thirst.
My ta pārdedzinaja,
Red pleasure and pain.
I do not see neither good nor evil -
Sadness, face persecution.
What all aizpleca
We laugh so piercing?
Behind the mountains, driving beam sweat.
I bent down and felt:
Gaist muirgi, heal all the blame.
I act as a kind and a pair of silence creep,
In that one I have.
Well my heart to know
The hour.
You can pour boiling pitch over -
I fall down the face of the driving beam
Junda, and redemption.
Laundry River
All night I along the windows fog darkness Brien,
All-night heavy shadows naked branches wall.
Pale River enters quiet guys in the sky -
Is it me ever carry an outward drift?
All the time where I stand, sand under your feet crumbles,
Cool stream leaves the wave manuj shore chop.
Gulgo dark alien song, alien sounding steps -
Is there any distant viesiatnākuši me?
Roots tremble, tremble, branches, tree bending low,
Round, hollow rustles, the river weaves linen range.
Long face, strange pain in my past slip away.
And I see myself going up away.

KAIST sun garden, all in one fruit deer,
Of black plums gold las resin,
And a heavy shadow over the hump, having fun,
Low burden of their bay,
Green vine bows to the sun.
There, you called the rest under a light brown top concern,
You atskaties and deep desire tvīcis,
Then walk a miss.
Fast flowing river, guldz wave against the shore,
And the bright stream across the pebble pots.
Hides the cool depths not have found the pearl,
St. John\'s Day flowers and foam.
Deep anxiety chest big thirst Urd,
And although it would like to look at Muckle loving,
You look as white zvirfgzi spigot,
Brien and over.
And then your way STAP svešiemsoļiem miscible.
Gliding across a brilliant light for the soul
When hundreds of votes to refer,
And easy to take the cup,
What a friend\'s dark hand full of wine is poured;
But then, around me and my spēdekļus be heard,
You sip the bitter drink it dry -
And walk a little away.
All land richness either you lying at your feet,
But go past it, you hurry back home.

Had already come into the river
Gurusi against the shore,
To get you in the shade
Finally, to find peace.

Below the stream will not want to
Rush of space,
Where about you nozibēs
Cool star rain.
Dim mists rise,
Where have you at the edge of the grave.
Other boats will go to the spirit,
But you peace slapsi.
Sand Whirlwind

Spray air izlapušas hot sand,
Catches the eye, chest and fa

Whirling sand, deserts KAIST,
Rivers dry agony
The last remnants of wood gaist
Hot and trembling hands.
Eyes torrid dust fell
Sun ashes hide the visual.
Thirst in vain lips hone
Wood from smoldering bark.
Shadows ignite sources are smoking,
Uncanny luster flame
Dry and gray tears crumbles
Izmocītajā face.
And then the blood at sea will
His last wave. -
All cups, which brought it ashore,
Sink full of soul.

In the kinked branch I bend down the road,
And not come back, lets not take long.
With fibrous pirksties it skauj me tight,
And the darkness of the earth juice your breath is drawn.
I sent a wave of green linen away from you,
But the hand of immoderate goes, pull the fetus,
What the bitter wormwood, but does not allow to go,
While myself contemptuous of, the curse and the mouse.
Either branch of a thorn in tears and peeping through the heart,
With my blood tasula set of interfering,
But I do not know that hurts, that pleasure does. .
And then I give up, to stay where I am.
Once again, clearly felt the breath of its own destiny -
That moment of joy is short, the long night aches.

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