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Page : 385
butterfly dies,
For you - my meadow.

How do I build an eagle,
For you - my sky.

I\'m going to go in the world -
Then shalt thou call over seas.

I šķelšu stones -
You\'ll be building a house.
And grew into stone waiting
Briskly - and a big ass.
You can both hand and foot to give,
But the heart of stone lying in wait,
And nesašķels, neaizvels the
Not a giant pain, not joy a little goblin.
Has grown into a stone waiting
And forcing the heart - and a big ass.
performance that placed you away! -
We will meet again, breathless.
And over all that hurts me is missing,
Across the calm, white cloud goes.

Thank snow. . . But for how long
Wind another day without sunshine sies?
And over all that hurts me is missing,
Cruz will run lumbering clouds. . .
feelings, feelings dzenamies
As the fox hounds.
And left feeling forgotten
On the hill behind the erubescent apsēm.

And sort feelings, sensations,
New and enjoy.
And longing, salkstoši disappeared
This vortex own healing.

Then bites the nails of aspen
The horrors of ideas difficult.
But a frantic gaze wander around.
- What the devil, here they have a feeling
How can I meet you in autumn grove
If I\'m going to birch alone?
Come! Page nirsi golden rain,
And the gold-rich will have all year.

Axis of the naked branches hit my face.
Why care about close it?
Cool snow flakes dance turns.
All can? - Do not take anything.
owls flight
So quiet
The word came down among us.
Beat pulse.
How debesjums under stress!
Wind - embarrassment.
But fell among us
Name quiet
As the owls flight.
homeland evil feelings -
Who will save? - What prašņā - start! You start
comes from the sun its light,
And land forces provide.
But the beauty of the ever-living
Is to find yourself.
I hear Hall says:
\'\' Hey, somebody loves you.
This old, good ground
To you in a friendly mind. \'\'
Ozoli even in the Baltics -
Green mountains, the valley;
Similarly, husbands are,
Oak trees that resemble.
Strong stand against the harsh auku,
Fathers held dear, expensive,
It to the \'this song sounds
While the tongue Latvian man \'.
green mist takes the trail,
Deliberate the first page of the murmur,
Land lovers say the word,
Serve full-strength wood.
OK to live in my country,
What\'s more the other will:
The mountains towards catching
Birch ment Boots.
long birds
to your hosting
bring Vij
and take away your soul
the land long, beloved.
When the stars light up upon thee, my country,
I lift my hands and your sorrows complain
Svētilgošanā celestial spirits please
For a light rain upon you, my people,
no happiness in the distance look. Put your ear to the ground on his land, which you ha

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