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Page : 384
whom hail falling on your head, it would seem that the hemisphere over by storm and storm.
Who is meager body, it does apaļīgāku with thick clothing, with a feeble idea of ​​it uzpūš with words.
The shadow sometimes come before the body, but sometimes several times over their entire length.
He who can not lend, to borrow will protect.
He who is covered by the table, always incurs expenses.
He who does not know which port wants to come in, there is no tailwind.
Stains seem larger when they are in the visible and illuminated surface and Beauty mark or scratch on the forehead is more prominent than a scar elsewhere.
In nature there is nothing useless to its unsuitability is not valid, in this world there is no nothing, it would not have their proper place. Some people retained their gardens and fields in steals with only cotton net, but this tool will prove safer and more stable for our fences and ditches.
to bite, and Dzeldama nodarīdama pain to another, causing even more damage to their own, because the sting of losing, they also lost their lives.
carefully looked
What really fell in love
Thoroughly kissed
[ ]
sometimes true,
There is no need for a straight true
But - blood kaismība,

On the hill tumble stone, heavy and black.
This will sweep away our house immediately killed.
But the way the devil happened to one of ordinary,
And stone as a raven flew away.

There lies one hundred and one hundred times indeed
If they give their lives - as birch roots.
In the key - you will go on
And you will not sadragājis stone.
but I\'m happy -
At this point I feel it,
Maybe it sounds like blasphemy
On the day blacker?

This forest, land, sea
And I love you.
And fire, by which,
Black Wind, delete free!

Oh, the fire, by which,
Wind black free deleted!
This forest, land, sea
And I love you.
Neļaušu that mock
This is what I\'ve rustled,
What will protect.

Too shallow hearts
Would have us
If we lose

Wind comes alpām
Do I have it ready?
Do not break my will!
thank you for breakfast, for a clean, pink shirt. . . I tremble, I smile - It\'s all it is still shallow. Thank you, that a consignment You make me this way. It chilled me to the fall of the flowers do not forget. It makes promises:\'\' I can not hear from me\'\'. I will tell you:\'\' I am able. \'\' And both believe we can. Zaļgi aspen stands in height, at the strain - orchids. I pick up the fruit in this way a dark pebbles.
town - peace,
Because I miss thee.

As a stroller - a house
Because I miss thee.

As the patient - air,
Because I miss thee.

As the rain - the sun
Because I miss thee.

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