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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

Charity cards

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Donated equipment to children hospitals

History of all donated medical equipments to children hospitals

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv


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conceit and closeness, uncertainty, fears and desires of us do not leave until the change of residence. They followed us to the monasteries and schools of philosophy. Nor deserts, nor the steep cliffs, nor ascetic clothing does not protect us from them.
anxiety and distrust caused by pulling and hazards.
\'s not a lack, but rather creates an abundance of greed.
The soul is deserted and the size of the counterweight, the easier it will be subject to persuasion pressure.
If any man is clean simply because others will know about it and learned it, they will be respected more, if one does good deeds only to find out about others, then it is not a man, from which you can expect a lot of good .
There is nothing so disturbing and unpleasant as the saturation of capacity.
true tips and ideas are treated as if they would serve the people rather than for each person at all, and instead use them for their virtues, people are very stupid and invalid accumulate in their memory.
Our willingness to despise and renounce all that it holds to propel by the way it is.
Something ban means creating a desire for the forbidden.
What kind of things and the lack of a plethora of effects on us equally unfavorable.
all can be cured only with adequate contrast, because the pain heals the pain.
There is no way that would have no end.
Lowest rung is the safest.
Sagittarius, the arrow fly over the target, is as much worth as a neaizlido arrow to the target.
The person who is fasting only enhances the health and liveliness with the fish tastes better than meat, it will no longer be fast soul healing tool.

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