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slavishly followed by another, do not follow anyone. It does not find anything, because in reality he did not seek.
Among other vices intemperance I find particularly harsh and vile. In other vices are more involved in intelligence, even those vices, which is something noble, if it can be said. There are also vices, involving knowledge, dedication, courage, prudence, agility and finesse, but intemperance is totally corporeal and material of vice.
numb sense, but it destroys the intemperance and affect the body.
cook all the mud rises on top.
I hate people who wear more difficult to endure than atčgārnu perverse soul, and that the people at the bow, iznesības and boots.
cowardice is the mother of cruelty.
Ascetic shirt not always make the wearer chaste.
The passion that only exists in the soul, such as ambition, greed, and other, mind causes more concern, as only this is the only way to combat them, this desire can not be upheld, because it leads to the satisfaction of ardent desire.
vanity has two parts: too high rating in itself and too little of other people\'s evaluation.
never be as good as when it fights our vanity and empty ambition.
I think it all wrong views by further so that they are public or private views, people are too highly of themselves.
I do not know what to expect benefit those who constantly lie and pretend, because the only thing they achieved is that they believe in even when they tell the truth.
miser his passion more than the poor suffer from poverty, suffering more than greizsirdis cuckold.
Pretend obscure his face with a mask and neuzdrošināties show what each of us - it is a coward and a slave virtue. In this way, we instill in the people themselves apostate: forced to give false promises, they do not feel any remorse if it fails. Brought the soul does not need to hide your thoughts, it wants to be seen to the same depths.
Failure to fulfill completely their intentions are ambitious and too urgent and insatiable soul expression, the elections over the mayor to enjoy the grace of God is devoted to the abuse of grace.

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