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Page : 377
Children need to consistently teach hate vices as such, need to teach them to see the monstrous vices natural to their avoidance of them not only their business, but also in your heart to the thought of them they would be abhorrent, regardless of the type of mask be hidden vice.
We comply with and obey the same for all kings, as it relates to their position, but respect and love we have only their virtue.
Among the laws that determine our attitude towards the dead, it seems to me very reasonable law, which states that the ruler of activity to be assessed in their death. They are members of the law, if not the lords. As the justice did not rule over their heads, this is sufficient reason for it to be over their reputation and their heirs word: for the things we often appreciate more than life.
I would trust other people\'s honesty. But I am reluctant to do so in a manner that would cause someone to think that I do despair and discouragement, rather than behind the openness and sincerity of people of faith.
This is an instrument that weighs virtue of the sacrifices and the fruits are not worthy to come into contact with virtue, no one knows the pleasures of virtue, not its use.
Faith in the other person\'s integrity is important enough proof of the honesty.
Moderation is far more complex than the virtue of suffering.
no suffering can not force the real virtues of life to turn back.
Hide out in the pit beneath the heavy coffin lid befits this cowardice, death, virtue. Virtue is not interrupt your way to a thunderstorm over the torn.
Let us follow humane practices. How much more capable of an era and an example
action of good character and dignity can not be justified by its validity, they are wrong to think that everyone should take any action, and each will be fair, if it is valid.
matter how big is a virtue, it is not remunerated, if established by custom.
Virtue wants to follow his own sake, and if sometimes it hides the other\'s intentions, he immediately even torn off the mask on our face. If a virtue once it has entered your soul, then it is like a bright and lasting color is destroyed only with the same fabric.
real value of virtue and greatness there is the ease of compliance, validity and tīkamībā, the burden is so small that it can carry in both adults and children, both naive and stupid. This requires not strength, but skill.
Virtue is the mother of all human pleasure breeder. Bringing the pleasure of sound, she retains the freshness and tīkamību.
-salary rewards menial care, diligence messenger, dance training and horsemanship, speech mastery and reward even the basest services, paid for the vices - of flattery, of putting them in for treason, therefore, not surprising if virtue less inclined to the money than those worn by the noble and unselfish awards, which suits him more.

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