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Page : 375
Errors frequently slip away unnoticed, but could not see them when we need to show evidence of ill thinking.
Wisdom does not make the stronger our natural capacities.
Soul, home to philosophy, your health and your body heals. It is necessary to radiate peace and contentment that rule, it transforms our appearance in their image and gives it a pleasant sense of pride, entrepreneurial and joyful behavior, satisfaction and good-natured character.
Philosophy has not been able to find a path to inner peace, which would be suitable for everyone - for every look the same!
very strange that in this century philosophy even-minded people is nothing more than an empty and basically anything nenozīmējošs name, it has no use and no value judgments, not the people, not jobs. I think it is the cause of these stupid disputes with which it was surrounded. Deeply deluded those who plays as a child-resistant, with a frown, large shaggy eyebrows and terrible. Who has imposed this false, pale and ugly mask? In fact, there is nothing sweeter, Lighten up and joyful, I would almost say - trakulīgāka. Philosophy calls only for celebration and joy. If we see a sad face, and upset, then it is clear that philosophy dwells there.
Whoever Kratejam asked how long it took to philosophise, received the reply: \"So long as our troops are no longer nekomandēs donkey. \"
at all do not always tell the whole, as it would be foolishness, but if what is being said, it must adhere to our opinion, because otherwise it would be fraud.
by a margin obey the voice of nature, but we must not succumb to the tyrannical rule, only the mind must prevail over our desires.
painstaking circumspect PRUDENCE is the mortal enemy dižiem Measures.
Above all cultivate the desire for science, otherwise we izaudzināsim just a book of wisdom burdened donkeys. They were forced to keep the rīkstēm Tarbes with the knowledge, but that this knowledge would give some benefit, they just keep enough alone - they need to become saturated.
Just as agriculture itself well before planting and sowing the arrangements are known and easily, but wakes up to life once sown, we are faced with many different jobs, and the challenges in front of people is not much skill they sow, but as soon as they are born to us lies over a wide range of care burden, full of anxiety and worry about how they bring up and educate.
habit is very treacherous and impatient teacher. Mazpamazām, secretly, it establishes the basis for its rule, but when such a gentle and modest start this time with the help of a well established and well established, it immediately shows us her wicked and tyrannical face against which we will then no longer neuzdrīkstamies even raise his eyes.
Our ears non-stop pieskandina to a variety of knowledge, just as the rain water into the funnel, and our task is to repeat what we have been told. I\'d hope your son\'s teacher advised not to perform this test and from the outset, depending on the child\'s soul, he entrusted him to check the ability to make these capabilities, nomēģinot taste of different things, its own choosing and learning to distinguish them, sometimes showing him the way, sometimes forcing him to himself to find it.
to handle it, as do some writers, - to nail the ends to dress in a foreign armament, to meet the intended (and it\'s easy to do vispārizglītotiem people) using ancient wisdom, spread both here and there, on their part, are want to hide borrowed and make them their thoughts, first of all, it is unfair and regrettable because, as within them there is nothing valuable, they are trying to break out with strange values, on the other hand, it is a great foolishness - to be satisfied with an uneducated crowd appreciation, obtained by assistance fraud, losing any dignity in the eyes of educated people who rauc nose at the sight of this mass of confusing aliases.
ability to drop to the interests of the child and the drive indicates a high and strong soul.

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