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Page : 373
We can become knowledgeable of other knowledge, while clever, we can only have their own wisdom.
most prominent sign of wisdom is self glee.
knowledge I do not so valuable as intelligence. The latter can do without the first, while knowledge can not be dispensed without a reason.
I have read hundreds of things that someone else is not there to notice, while Plutarch read there are hundreds of which I am not able to perceive, and perhaps even designed by the author himself was not at all imagined. For some, it is purely grammatical lesson, for others it is a philosophy, anatomy, we reveal our innermost nature corners.
If learning does our soul any better transformation, our judgments of it does not become healthier, I feel that our student instead of better play ball, at least of the body impro
May God give, that our court straight fortunately these legal iedibinājumi are as richly endowed with reason and conscience and knowledge.
not attach the soul within it due to reincarnate, soul in need not only to apmērcēt need to thoroughly stained.
need to use everything and pick up from each of who she is as useful for everything, even other foolishness and weakness which contains instructive.
main task of the teacher: he is not to your student\'s memory to print as many as the date for the destruction of Carthage and Hannibal Scipione virtues, not so much where Marcello died as the result he proved unworthy of the task, and died there. To a young man he taught less the same events, but more - the ability to judge them.
This is the highest temerity to teach our children the science of the stars of the eighth sphere of movement, before they have not yet mastered their own soul movement.
Bees fly from flower to flower, and honey, which they later make up is only their product, which is no longer marjoram, thyme, or, in a similar way, people borrowed from others to transform and complement, creating a totally your job or your judgment . H
Studio gives us an advantage that we become better and wiser.
Who have been applied to your student what he thinks of rhetoric and grammar, or such and such a statement in Cicero? We are Iedzenu head that completely ready, just like some kind of oracle, which the letters and syllables are replaced the same object. Know by heart does not mean you know: it just means to keep his memory what memory deposited.
books to draw wisdom is pathetic wisdom. It may be just a decoration, not a base.
One of the largest martial arts wisdom neiedzīt opponent is desperate.

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