Life is dependent on the will of another, death - only from ours.
Always keep your legs wear any shoes and be prepared to leave.
Sometimes good at the age of the first body, other times - the spirit, I have seen many examples where the mind has become weak faster than the stomach or legs, and this evil is the more dangerous because the sufferer himself, it is less noticeable and gets most intimate way.
death, poverty, pain as their main enemies. But who does not know that their own death, which is called from all the terrible things that others consider to be the only refuge from the torment of this life, the highest value of nature, the sole support of our freedom, the simplest and quickest means of getting rid of all the adversity. And just as some expect trembling and terrified, others will take more than Lighten up life.
Wherever your life ends, there\'s the ending. Life fitness is measured not by time, but with the skill to use it: some who lived a few, there are many lived; netūļājieties while you\'re here. Your life expectancy depends on their own volition, rather than the number of years lived.
sense requires us to strip the clothes become severe, and lie down when the legs are no longer able to hold us.
Failure to timely recognize the weakness and the huge changes in the expectations imposed by the very nature of both our body and soul and in my opinion, both are equally large (unless the soul is not affected even more), a significant number of men pazudinājusi reputation.
full health, we will never not feel it, the smallest of the disease.
Choose the Strictly necessary in human society and visderīgāko operation, it will be marriage.
In order to resolve the dispute on a piece of land, of an entire nation needs a dozen to choose the right people, but our taste and our action, which is actually the most difficult things, we provide evaluation of the masses, the crowd.
Having both a science and if you do not understand?
not mastered the science of goodness, all the other sciences are harmful.
Science does not exist only to give light to the soul, which is not the same, not least because, in order to make the blind see, the task is not to give sight to the blind, but a proper place for him to run its course, if he is straight and the whole leg.
Since no science, no matter how well we learn, is not able to teach us more than restraint, honesty and determination in ancient teachers from an early age wanted their children closer to reality, and to teach instead of heard repeated, but with the testing procedures guiding and shaping their souls, not so much with words and best practices with examples and works, so it would not be dead science of his soul, but rather an integral part of their custom, to be less than the benefits do not, but as a natural property. Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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