it would be perverse if we are self-scorn and with themselves treated disparagingly, self-hatred and contempt seen as a disease that is not present in any other creature.
man is amazingly empty, the variable and inconsistent creature. Difficult to build on the continuity and integrity of judgment.
man in this world is not afraid of a beast in the way of man.
Instead of trying to get to know others, we care only about how to prove themselves.
We are so accustomed to bridle that do not know how to move freely.
complete calm and obedience is never possible where speculation and controversy.
We honestly acknowledge the superiority of another prowess, body force, experience, skill and beauty, but never mind we do not recognize the superiority.
How many sword-bearers have our glory.
We care more about what to talk about us, not on it instead of what we talk about, is enough for us if our name is on all lips, but we just do not care why it is.
not enough to change their place of residence - the crowd needs to get rid of properties that are rooted in us, it is necessary to separate himself from the self and then regain yourself again.
There is nothing as non-public and public as a person: non-public - because of their habit, a public - their nature.
dump fruit is never what caused it, he was just thrilled and muddy the water for others it can catch fish.
Those who converts and women face paint, do less harm, because there is no more trouble if we do not see her natural look, but those who are not trying to fool our eyes, but common sense and trying to misrepresent the true nature of things is more dangerous .
and so can not women? Or both is something that, from her fear when there is the slightest hope that it will be beneficial to their beauty?
Eloquence most flourished at Rome when public affairs were the worst-off and shook the country in civil war, just as raw and lowered at the field viskuplāk sazaļo weeds. Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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