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Page : 367
The wells

Old maple.
Old well.
Old curbs also.
Mother passed by
And says:
- What do you, Dear son, do?

- Here I sand
Grow trees.
Shrubs grow.
Wait - are smoking!
Are not they fun?

And roof.
And the foundation.
This is - the house!

- Build only!
Good for each position.
Just know:
Well - Catfish
solar color

Away, I\'m going with his sister.
Sun shows a gold face.
Here, behind the hill! Here, on down!
Stop and go again.

Golden sun, wherever I look!
Gold stands in the rye into cornfield.
Gold is guided into the air. Gold guided the cart,
Gold nurses visit flax hair.

Swallow carrying mosquitoes,
Thrush brings children of worms,
Crows picking up a cinch
Heavy rye grain.

Almost beak frogling,
Mouse - Vanadzins.
The large hawk chick pulls:
Not too heavy for him.

One of the other larger
Birds lifts the burden.
Who is most capable of picking up?
Can you demonstrate the ability to say?
husband and fungus

A little man svēturīt
Go walk in the woods.
Suddenly - the rain starts to rain,
And it rains and does not want to stat.

Under the mushrooms under the mushrooms,
Under mushrooms jāpalien:
When a roof over your head klāsies you,
It\'d be more dry.

But it rains and rains and rains.
Who knows when mitēsies?
When the little man will be able to sneak out?
And when he goes home?

Under mushrooms, fungi under
Already tired of the stand.
And he was wise: what will be done
You will enter your house?

He was broken off a small beciņu -
It is a good umbrella -
And the fun goes on draining,
Because rest assured that nesaslaps.

Under mushrooms, fungi under
This is a nice retreat.
And - so we learn from it,
What we do in the rain

You wonder, children, where the grandfather
Has taken such a beautiful fairy tale?
Like you - so once he
There has been - a little.
And - like you - he listened to
His grandfather tales.

And his grandfather?
Also, it was once a small puisēniņš
And listened to the alert, listened quietly,
Pašķiebis head to the side of your grandfather.
Also, it is. . .

Who will tell you how old is eventually tales?
I think the grandfather, who was the first,
From the trees and the birds will be heard.
Difficult Tasks

Two oxen, two rams.
How much is a horn?
Two horses, two lambs.
How is nail?
Two dogs, two cats,
How is the leg?
How much is one pair of starlings

A fly, a dragonfly,
How is the wing?
Two beaks, four legs.
How are crows?
Two goats, two sheep,
How is the beard?
Two cock two songs
What is the word?
Svēteļa family

Low-level and low navigate -
Trembling blue air lark.
- How well have found its cage! -
Svelpj new home door thrush.
How Asha pace magpie,
Although the beak to the bait hard!

But, the years tried to run,
Sitting dzegužpapus kūkodams.
- Cook! Cook! - Called dzegužpaps,
- This year will be beautiful! This year will be good!

The pond yards gander.
There, his children, he strostē.
And chicken family garden
Take charge of worms.
beasts village asks,
And they straightway to come -
In this time deftly Bear Planers,
Lobj Rabbit, so the catch can.

But Fox - the final itself.
It is not the case urgent.
If not today, tomorrow hereafter:
Leo can be a little wait.

Leo puts all sit down.
And they sit down with.
Say thank you to Bear sēzdamies,
Hare and bow.

But Fox - can stand up.
It sat in the day before yesterday.
If you want to, meetings again tomorrow:
You can wait a little bench.

Then Leo Hares will be questioned:
- How like here? Say sure!
- Not quite, your Majesty,
Because you are. . . there. . . a little bit. . . smells. . .

But Fox - pulling away,
It feels that Leo gets angry.
He does not say no or yes.
Present bunny last hour. . .

And Leo, Hares swallowed,
Bear makes to speak.
- Oh, Majesty, how clean everything here.
And the smell? Not, in reality!

But Fox? It no longer has the courage,
Leo is angry again already.
He does not say no or yes.
Bear of the present hour later. . .

- Well, cumin, what you just keep quiet? -
But Fox denied it:
- I have a runny nose for the third day, -
Handkerchief and wiping.

Since Fox survived,
Lions escaped from the teeth.
In a Lion afraid of a mouthful,
Which is full of viruses rhinitis:
May be the king and enjoy the feast,
But he nepieklājas sneeze.
little person is as complete as big.
Not people, not their lives can not be measured by the yard.
We need to judge people by their nature, not in his outfits.
We love this and that but not all the way to link that with anything else than to yourself.
largest in the world as there is, is to be able to belong to himself.
We need to have a wife, children, property, and - most importantly - health, which it is doomed, but do it all so much grip, so it would depend on our luck. Need to leave themselves a corner, which would be our only, always at our disposal and which we enjoy real freedom, where we could spend time alone. Here we need to negotiate with ourselves, here we have fun and be judged as if we did not have neither wife nor child, nor property, nor farm, nor the servant, - so that when it all going to have to lose by not getting used to do without them .
We possess a soul that is able to associate with itself, it is with the attack and defend, it is to receive and to give, we need not fear that this alone we nonīksim boring idleness.

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