\'\' mottled as I heifers
What are speckled izraiboja?
Midsummer night izraiboja
Midsummer lasīdama drugs. \'\' Saturiņicīts>
\'\' cheese, milk, māmuliņa
For heifers pušķojumu.
If you do not give cheese, milk,
Nepušķošu another year. \'\' Saturiņicīts>
\'\' Atdzen shepherds atlīgo
I ran down the gates of Securities
Bring me the shepherd\'s daughter
Herbal flower wreath. \'\' Saturiņicīts>
their telītēm
- This summer the word dose -
Which checkered - raibaliņa,
Which black - bug. \'\' Saturiņicīts>
\'\' casting iron nettle
In his cattle feedlot,
To feared witches
Around the iron nātriņām!\'\' Saturiņicīts>
\'\' I am their mother, St. John\'s,
Give flower wreath,
For it grew fat cows
Ziedainām feet. \'\' Saturiņicīts>
lining the landlord
Ozolins wreath,
In order to plant those horses
As a bushy columbine. \'\' Saturiņicīts>
\'\' God gives our John\'s mother
Good fortune to live in:
With the legs move
Cash box under his bed. \'\' Saturiņicīts>
\'\' SED Janita, chairs,
Zaļozolu leaf,
Zaļozolu leaf,
DĀBOLIŅI flowers!\'\' Saturiņicīts>
\'\' table legs passed
Not gold, Sudrabiņi
Of food, the drink
John\'s children ate. \'\' Saturiņicīts>
What do we want it good
John\'s mother tonight?
Long life, good fortune,
From adores health. Saturiņicīts>
None of it was not
As well, our Janice,
Flowers rained from the legs,
Sudrabiņi out of hand. Saturiņicīts>
, adore, barley grow
John\'s father in the field,
This allowed us to drink beer
Midsummer night swayed. Saturiņicīts>
Okay, well mieloja,
At a small fence:
Wine, honey dzirdināja
The silver chalice. Saturiņicīts>
Go on, I adore it hilarious plot
Where to eat, where to drink,
Grown God, div ear
One salma tip. Saturiņicīts>
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