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Page : 364
Is it all John Hall,
By reaping the benefits of Midsummer Eve.
Another was John Hall,
Other Mara papardiņa.
, white clover,
Sleeps the road edge.
Go past John\'s children,
They have you izplūkās.
raining, keepsake, when līdams,
Nelīst Midsummer Eve,
John Salis my medicine
John Salis papardītes.
I iebridu John night
Pawn meadow.
Three years old the lawn
Gold mist nomigloja.

I nopinu wreath,
All kinds of leaves.
Ziedēj my wreath
All kinds of flowers.
Oh, Janice Dinner
Ozolins the spending.
Want gardens, tīrumiņi,
Daughter wants wreath.
the existence of large houses,
Horsehair loft:
There\'s the sun mirdzināja
Foggy scrolling.
I can, I can, see, see -
Trey th home gateway:
By vieniemi Laimīt \'came
I adore traveling along to others,
By third Jānīts rode
Six bay kumeliņi.
waiting, waiting māmulīte,
Well come your St. John\'s children,
Well come your St. John\'s children
John kaisīdami medicine.
Good evening, God help
Since the first conversation.
Or waiting for children to St. John\'s,
Līgodamus come back the next.
Good evening, John\'s mother,
Or waiting for John\'s children,
If you were waiting for John\'s children,
Will you have enough happiness dies.
What keeps shining, there shines
John\'s father durvpriekšā?
Jānīt\'s poured Sudrabiņi
John\'s waiting children.
\'\' shepherds drove the playpen,
Bushy linden gates opened -
It was not bushy lime,
It had John māmuliņa. \'\'
\'\' heating to me, John\'s mother
Warm milk in a pot,
I have come to cold,
Your cattle herding. \'\'
\'\' around calf dozen bees,
How about a green Jones
Around the mother cows MAVA,
How about a green Ozolins. \'\'

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