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Page : 363
\'\' I placed John\'s mother
Colorful flower wreath,
To grow cows raibaliņas,
To grow white avitiņas. \'\'
\'\' Izpušķoju bee garden
Tray with flowers
- With roses, the poppies,
with oak leaves. \'\'
Jānīts your kumeliņu
Iejāj bee garden,
Honeyed legs
Vaiskainiem bridle.
daughter watch
What flowers bloom in Rye:
Rudzitis golden flowers,
Sudrabiņi pakariemi.
adores moment rye field
With a gray coat.
Pick up, adores, coat,
To rub off flowers.
adore Brida rye field
Rye cone hat.
Lyme Brida oat field
Oat panicles villainīti.
, Janita, where lēkdams,
LEC cabbage garden.
Izmin usnes izmin medicine
To grow cabbages clean.
adores moment rye field
With a gray coat.
When izbrida, then covered the,
Pelēkāmi vērpiņām.
adores rode the rye field
With a gray coat.
In return, came to my dear Mara,
Here will be the happiness of the mower.
you, I adore, a good horse,
Apjāj my rye field
You Laimini wide sags,
Cover guvju my garden.
adore walked the track,
Right on Midsummer Eve.
White rod PUD,
White skirt back.

Līdzat my daughter to sing,
I ievelšu flowers.
One flower leaves three
Trejdeviņiem flowers bloom.

Meadows sang the song,
Pārpļaviņu pāriedama.
I piebira full of shoes,
Blue flowers in golden dew.
coaster noziedēja
Red clover.
Go pull the cap off a subsidiary,
Right on Midsummer Eve.
John Hall,
What pull Midsummer Eve:
Vībotnīte, papardīte,
Red clover.

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Page : 363
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