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Page : 362
If we free your soul from the deplorable\'\' I\'\', other non-elected evil and become as clear as crystal-clear diamonds, which reflects the light of truth - in a glowing picture of our display inside, reflecting the essence of things without a fervent desire mixed without false illusions, no insistence bite and indulge anxiety.
Come, Janita, the next
You expect the expected.
Cows waiting for medicine crown,
Subsidiary nice rock.
shepherds Waiting, waiting for the cows,
John atnākami day.
Feed forward knob cheese,
Cows birch wreath.
Jānīti ielīgoja,
John\'s evening.
The first shepherds pieguļnieki,
At the subsistence farmers, ecētāji.
waiting for John\'s Day:
The guys waiting for, a subsidiary of waiting.
Boys cheese, beer, boys,
Daughters wreath product.
I could not wait.
Well I was waiting for him,
Right on Midsummer Eve.
Come, coming Midsummer Day,
You were expected.
Proud to come skanēdama,
Mirdzēdama fire.
midsummer sun to the moon,
Midsummer shepherds fence.
Midsummer own dear Mara,
Telītēm gate worth.
midsummer sun, midsummer bee
By large tīrumiņu.
Sun kaltēdama wall,
Lasīdama bee flowers.
Auniet guys, a subsidiary of legs
Morning will be the John Day,
Then let us go singing
John\'s children are searching for.
songs throughout the year, stocks
Midsummer waiting.
When John came at night
Well, the song jāizdzied.
\'\' Come illness, roaring, dūkdama
Come Health singing. \'\'
\'\' Samtenītes, Magonītes
New daughter Midsummer medicine
Sharp thistle, small nettle -
Young guys Midsummer medicine
Papardītes, vībotnītes -
St. John\'s elderly medicine. \'\'
\'\' asked Jānītim
Which grass for the first twitch -
Pull ahead buldurjāni
After red clover!\'\'
nopinu Wreath
The same flower a while
The same flower a while
In the midsummer evening. \'\'

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