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Page : 361
this is our life
between waking and the snow
between love and fairy tales
between bread and Don sleep
in the middle of the sunflower
tiny black seeds and
uzdvašo stronger
and will not remain longer on the wrist
That is our life
root Zen garden in a foreign
wither on the threshold of the house
but put out to the cloud
neatminēt no evening
unexpectedly in the morning
That is our life
fragile and undeserved
We all long to sacrifice -
as long as you do;
and, of course, bear fruit -
as long as you do;
when the fruit is not the flower,
when the frost affect you -
more uzsvilpo and sing -
as long as you can!. . .
All his life the way I am home.
It is upon a woman\'s position.
The road laughing.
The way my display.
Road, harping tears wept.
Oh, how the winds are keen on the heat
By protecting me!
How they want it placed in the bosom of
And whistling away to bring you!
All his life the way I house
In order to come where you are.
\'\' Nowhere is not as good as home!\'\' You say,
And again I\'m feeling strong
Rome person and do not believe in sweet song,
Tempts to go away.
Smells of pies, and the window
Home Blessing bloom.
grizzled hair iemaldās
The rest of the people,
or, in the apcerēm, atcerēm,
but it\'s the Same
The Summer of gamma
Wander in Gladiolus -
Autumn mark.

The man is just so old
how hard it brings
years experience
how strong or weak
of miracles.
Requests from the sun, ask of flowers,
To light a mile long,
If they do miracles as -
Casts out paguruma hours
For only thoughts Junda.
you say then that I am already old and gray,
That is no longer the stem bark slut in white?
By the word little bit outrageous to me,
But I will tell you: drunk first!

As every year come to me - may -
And clay jug put under the hole,
There is no longer the old juices fuddle,
But sweetness is: even the ants drown.

as my fireflies,

as far as I shine.
one year apart
no cuckoo, no candles -
put them in your glove pattern circuits
and cherished dālijziedu yet.

One year apart -
they are not by weight.

So give us your sincerity
for some time. . .
zemeņogu to say thank you
The flower next to shine,
Room to lie down and quietly -
What more can I want both?
What is life? It is the flash of Night Glow-worm in the dark. It is a warm breath of bison winter cold. It is a fine shadow that slip away across the grass and disappear at sunset.
my years - my birds
my birds - my years
I watched them behind him,
but I do not regret,
because they carry the
my grief, my accident and
madly carried away my dreams. . .
God to man, donkey, dog
and monkeys shared the years:
each of thirty-dose
One person thought it little by little;
he asked additives of all:
the donkey took fifteen
and the same - the dog and the monkey. . .
elected and lived life:
to thirty man he was
and loved daughter and wine
then - Fifteen-year-donkey
He struggled, shrink item;
If a person is dear to himself, he shall himself carefully paved, guarding the truth to protect themselves. If a person is trying to be something which he teaches others to be, then, himself a subject, he can be subjected.
When in battle a thousand times a thousand men defeat and one defeat yourself, then the second is the greatest of the two conquerors.
They are fools - whether they are ordinary people or clergy - habits to believe that it has done it himself. \'\' To me the others are exposed. And in this or any other event I play a decisive role. \'\'
Fools do not care about his obligations or goals to be achieved, because they think only of themselves. Everything serves as a pedestal of their emptiness.
Watch and Meditate on your life!
Everything is passing, and nothing is permanent.
There are birth and death,
growth and decline
the merger and separation.
World fame is like a flower:
it blossoms in the morning,
but the heat of the day fade already.
knows neither birth,
not death, it has neither beginning
at the end.
Be open to the truth!
The truth is the immortal part of mind.
Iedibiniet in your mind the truth,
because the truth is the eternal image.
It reflects a constant.
It reveals the eternal;
Truth gives mortals
immortality and generosity.

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