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Page : 357
It is wonderful that the husband and wife together to move forward and back jāiemīlas. It is the genuine essence of marriage - help each other to be fully human, permanent and responsible beings who did not flee from life.
Heaven numb painful countenance.
It\'s not a scar, dear, but a toy.
A place where I met you,
It will be forever enlightened.

The painful feature in the sky,
Soon the wind wash away away
Whether we stay in it,
Where both salapojām.
Love gets so lonely that two-faced, protect and respect one another.
Life is a celebration of light and love.
I celebrate his life because
Through all that to me you speak. . .

When we turn away from the sun,
Slowly discolored,
We are each other tveramies.
And the birds flew away.
We stayed, we stayed
With you alone,
You, sweetie, you, beloved,
You are my only one.

By white curls ievīties
Already within your hair looking
Departures from birds
By a white dragon.
Already the snow in my hair,
And it does not melt at all.
But for me the past is not another
Better for you.

Both birds will be back soon
With spring colors
But our hair the color of the
Never again neielāsos.
And the sun we uzsmaidīsim
With overt sadness.
You, sweetie, you, beloved,
You are my only one.
painful pleasure

the hands cool
saglaud you hair with snow
are, where to get once estimated to be:
Life is painful pleasure.

The crime would be to throw away,
more likely to come to life sleeping;
Life is undeserved prize
Life is painful pleasure.

If only obliged to Bitter
more and more frequently longer stroke, -
feast, everyone here is requested.
Life is a painful pleasure.

to remain in one day
passage through the ills of tension!
Nepelsim any moment:
Life is painful pleasure.
to perform his functions without love, humiliated, but love without having to have the wind flower.
marriage is not applause.
Nobody neaplaudē blooming tree.
If a man can love and delight, he can obtain eternal youth.
A happy marriage is the very best that life has to give.
It is being built brick by brick over the years, and it contains a total of the tenderness of moments and irritable java.
When two people into the depths of my heart is the one
They can shatter even the strength of iron and bronze.
And when two people into the depths of my heart to understand each other,
Their words are soft and strong as the smell of orchid.
Love never simply not found in the ground like a stone, it should create it as bread, continually to create, to recreate.
When you love cats, I even close,
as I understand: what in the world at night
have to go to catch the mouse. . .

When you love, it seems: not for the hair
alder is not worse than the palm
or cypress branch. . .

When you love, the love you -
even live in this world can be!. . .
As stealthily, so slowly, so quietly,
In addition, without blizzards and storms
Spring has arrived:
Flowering hazel, green for mint.

As stealthily, so slowly, so quietly,
Thus, the same creep,
Against you, tanned heart
And now burning very, very.

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