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Page : 355
Love one another, but do not let yourself love to associate.
Give your hearts, but not one of the other storage.
Because only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too close together:
In the temple pillars standing aloof
And the oak tree and the cypress grow in each other\'s shadow.
together laughing and singing,
Lips bread in half shares,
We next go to graying for example
Where the sea side of amber.
To love is to bear the burden of day to day until the evening.
Who loves - there is no violence and serve without drudgery.
I will I will put myself all the
and nothing neprasīšu
I do not need
live on
of your sorrow and joy.
People contains a total love and duty. Once you have both, then comes the blessing.
In no time and no space around me,
There is only love, you give the pan,
And joy of summer for me as carbon monoxide intoxication
Through the day to see rudenību denies.
Eternal God to give you everything,
by heart so wishes -
Pleasant man and the house and give
you harmony in life!
Superior and there is nothing finer has been
above the ground when love
There is between a husband and wife if both,
the line for brains,
Carefully managed in house, this annoyance
provide the envious person,
Sponsors - a sincere joy, but the same
it feels as happiness.
you that the lights and snow
What is your loving days running!
You look rosy and subtle -
Is no longer waking or sleeping -
There is only love alone.
love you make your way forward by way of derogation. For me, it has always been a skill, the first approach, sowing fears and interests of waking up, leaving to play, slow, implacable return.
Lust leisurely spiral. Kama. Love the art.
also love to have a master and apprentice years.
And when you come back hungry
From work, from the care of strangers over the world,
Then I hurry to the table here, cut the bread
And drinks to bring:
- Eat this bread -
It is my love;
Drink this golden apple juice -
It is my eternal care of you. . .
We shall sit down at the table,
Let bitterness and sweets
Nights and days of the white-black. . .
And now, dear, confess to me their grief -
This is our last supper.
A happy marriage is a union, both forgiving.
and a man with years of start screens,
But until the last hour
heart will be able to maintain
The first kiss. . .
All the world\'s flowers without plucking
I gave you the only ones Only through giving
and you watched as a pair of Prayer
crazy world sky-storey,
hands opened against lightning,
and a sudden shadow falling from the sky,
then you know that lightning is pinched
and to you it is not going to nāvīgums,
and will be in heaven solemnly empty -
white ash, I slowly nobiršu
across the world without plucking flowers.
himself if you love and if you have any preferences, let your desires are as follows:
Melt and be a running brook that sings its song at night.
Get to know too much pain, tenderness.
Be injured from the understanding of love;
And bleeding from a good mind and be happy.
Wake up at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving;
Relax in the midday, the delay will think about the bliss of love;
In the evening, returning home with gratitude;
And then to sleep with a prayer for your loved one with heart and praise on your lips.

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