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Page : 354
above the judge of all the love you receive.
It will live long after your gold and good health will pagaisuši.
And then one day there was a -
Meaning people - Madness:
Your soul pieripoja
Next to my soul. . .
She taught me to see and hear,
And gentle care, and worry silently,
She gave me a heart - warm streams of tears -
And love and thought, and joy.
Love the kernel of the woods quickly interfere with the wind, but when it grows in the heart of the tree, then the time and only with the heart torn.
Could Say That most faithfully the I Love The Woman Whose company he may be sleepy, and it does not preventive him feel good.
I am calm birch
you are calm maple
sweet is my blood
sweet is your blood
hears us gather
pusatmodusies meadow
lark rising to God
Swan on the north away
talked through the branches
laughs and asiņojam
comforts us and can not be
enough and nenogana
sweet is your blood
Marriage is a place where you can finally feel good.
You can take off too tight shoes and wear comfortable clothes.
Aging with me!
The best is yet to come -
Those beautiful years for which
Was created in the beginning of life.
obligation to make love without annoy.
Responsibility without love makes hard-hitting.
Justice without love makes cruel.
Kindness without love makes hypocritical.
Wisdom without love makes cruel.
The order without love makes scrupulous.
Honor without love makes arrogant.
Property without love makes stingy.
Faith without love makes fanatic.
Life without love is meaningless.
But life is love - give happiness and joy.
Love at the time of dance and jewelry.
a fluffy white cloud edges you send
Trīsošu loving heart and mind,
And postage present
The skūpstienu confirm.
I love you so, as the pine is growing -
So profoundly, so peaceful, so quiet.
The love of thous others, is the only one we left.
I will I will put my strength
their sleep and insomnia give
so you only see a window
month nesāpošu

so you just feel that in you
tenderness as a river, smoked
to apaugtu green branches
they care what nenorūpēs.
I think that star to me over the rain rained
And further nerve vijis glow.
And the heart so sweet, so hard,
How fragrant flowers there shelves.

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