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Page : 339
white asters to bloom in your days,
in which no frost can not sting,
that not only rings you live in one,
but in the hearts of trust gold
A strong marriage can not be formed\'\' Then we will see how long the spirit,\'\' but only\'\' We will do our best to make it a long\'\'.
If I would if I were,
If I were a sunbeam, -
Then every morning over you \'litas
For you the sun maigst spirit.
rich top
it received.
But the heart of the top rich
Only by giving ourselves.
I did not stay there, that I was lost,
What aizčaukstēja playful peaks.
Although at times the land under your feet staggered,
While his eyes darkened moment weakness,
I did not stay there, that I was lost,
I myself collected and saved.
My hazel nut yet,
Rather than the pages of last year,
I live not in men,
and children.
Watch a child discover the world, a rediscovery of their own. How well you were able to forget how brilliant and round the ball, and flashing light water, the motion of the leaves in summer and flickers in the wind, water and diving ducks and squirrels in the grass? Allows the child to learn all over again from scratch.
no waiting and planning can not prepare you for the new reality - and complete this small creature, now lying in your hands.
This awe and responsibility.
The integrated love.
So every chance was
How was put into the cradle,
How many who māmuliņa
Mazin sang.
white flower child uzziedējis,
To be able to ever live a long way to go.
Of ills, from the salt wind of life
Keep this little soul!
Of course, you will still be your job, your friends, your interests, the world around you.
Just as it has always been. Only now are something that always stand over it. Consciousness is a nest, which are constantly employed by another thought. Life of the content has changed.
It is lying in your hands.
I am seeking peace in the world,
For the butterflies run after children
they stumble in order to blossom, hummocks,
Devastating as the death of the game
to forever be foreign to them.
The small cradle,
What you mother with tears of war,
One cute, cuddly view
Give your eyes from the couple.
Here, in bed, lying in your proof of existence. For this little life you gladly return your own. Nobody will say that it will be. Nobody will say it would also fail.
How important is sleeping child!
TSS! Do not disturb him
their curiosity, their instructions,
with small disputes, the calculation of bales -
He was lying on top.
This small man
has been entrusted to me.
(Oh, a major natural confidence!)
Indeed - every child
born holy -
White pea flower -
no black stripes.
And now I
become a guardian angel,
Because no guardian angel God sends,
But a deep gorge,
along the edge of a narrow lane,
Short legs can easily make mistakes.
And I do not speak
for other duties -
My little baby to go along the gulf.
And if either foot slips. . .
and what if a terrible flop?
What do I do?
What do you say to it?

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