As a source of deep and bracing
You love, you -
It thrives and blossoms, and turn bright,
Who as you quench month. Saturiņicīts>
Love one another, but do not let myself love to link:
To this rather stormy sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other\'s cup but drink from one cup.
Give one another of your bread, but nekodiet from a single chunk.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each of you have about yourself.
Just like the lute strings are all individually, although the music sounds the same. Saturiņicīts>
Two people who have chosen each other among many others and wants to provide each other happy, prepare to be always in good mood, friendly, reasonably attentive, forgiving, patient, happy and up to the end of his life to respect each other\'s merits and shortcomings. Saturiņicīts>
Love wings of fire -
Storms are grown,
White wings of love -
All respect.
I was born in the world,
In order to meet with you every morning,
I was born in the world,
To your hands warm.
Not just a day, not only for life
Zilgām under heaven,
Two lives, three lives,
Much longer. Saturiņicīts>
looking to me, son of the people,
You tried, I tried;
You tried to get my work,
I TAV \'smart padomiņu. Saturiņicīts>
Drag Laimini, silk network
Across the courtyard,
Matched to the article
Our life gājumiņš.
Gizmo descended, rasināja,
Slapina \'my līgaviņu;
Wolf coat from the back
Offsets its līgaviņu.
God was, sorry folks,
That we live in a cute;
Live another lover
People will still žēlāk.
I will not leave any
Ride your kumeliņu;
I will not leave any
Līgaviņu his scorn.
I am your Arāja
Roses skin gloves;
Against the sun drove the furrows,
As the rosette bloomed.
Loves me, son of the people,
I have loved you both,
I have, you mīlēdama,
Leave \'father, māmuliņu. Saturiņicīts>
Today the sun, the sun today,
Today, the sun should have:
To shone for warming,
Living life together.
Sasēda Liepins
By Ozolins.
Sasēda life,
Not one day. Saturiņicīts>
When one fully entered the realm of love, the world - no matter how imperfect it - becomes rich and beautiful, because it consists only of love. Saturiņicīts>
bread Don
And thousands of wine and tear bucket
If the storm will lose highway clones
One will seek a second sun field. Saturiņicīts>
happy marriage carries with it the sense of peace and security,
to fade even nestundās life.
For years brings you more and more!
Let them give you the adventure and risk, and a tranquil life and satisfaction. Saturiņicīts>
Wedding Day
And again, even happiness. That time is here.
To the new life they are doing well!
Well, your children leave the nest, Mother,
And leave your tired hands.
And then there will be grandchildren. And it is not important,
Are they born in December or May,
But at the beginning of each jumping jack is a small
And ask for your hand in their hushaby.
Once again guests today opens its doors,
Rudd is sitting next to present a brothers and sisters,
However, we must drink a glass of
For mothers, each of his mother\'s wedding. Saturiņicīts>
Every marriage is the cornerstone of one word - WE. Saturiņicīts>
Love starts with the moment when the other person, where we seem to be equally imp
you are born, and together you will ever have.
You will be together when white wings of death aiztrauks your day.
Yes, you will be together even in the quiet of God\'s memory.
But your being together is enough space available,
And let the winds of heaven swirl between you. Saturiņicīts>
There is nothing else that really
would fall under the real art
the art of loving people. Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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