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Love, fortunately, are born and die within us. It is our only private property.
If a man can give a woman everything she asks for little.
Go easy, but may be years to come.
We will not die from being separated. Mostly we begin to live.
Jealousy is always born with love, but do not always die with it.
Jealous may be the love that you turned away from, but not for what it addressed.
[ Clever phrases ]
Things interpreted as simple as possible but no simpler.
[ Clever phrases ]
nepārmainās. The difference only as who knows how to pretend.
[ Clever phrases ]
lose respect for other\'s eyes and in pain, but the man that endures; losing respect in the eyes of the meaning of the end.
[ Clever phrases ]
Love is stronger than death, but life is stronger than love.
[ Clever phrases ]
minded creature can never be lonely, because the universe is filled with live view.
[ Clever phrases ]
are needed in those moments when not to breathe. Then, for any benefits or standing around, you\'ve got nothing out of it all and will not be just one-inhaled air.
[ Clever phrases ]
husband is the only man with whom a woman can not afford everything.
[ Clever phrases ]
Joy bucket must empty to the bottom, if do not want to enjoy the bitter stepped thickness.
[ Clever phrases ]
Love - silver bent
between sharp sedge,
Love - amber pine
between the knot and masts,
love is silent laughter
rēcošā herd. . .
[ Congratulations to wedding anniversaries ]

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